I read your post earlier in the week commenting on Pepsi points.
Then I went to Amazon and saw they take the points for music. Five points gets you one song.
I figured a 12 pack would be worth 5 points (they must cut some kind of deal to get the songs for cheaper right?)
Open the box, TWO LOUSY POINTS!!! I gotta buy 3 twelve packs to get a song? about 30 - 40 twelve packs to get an album!!!!!
I was seriously going to try to convert from Diet Coke to Diet Pepsi for the free music, but screw that. It's not worth it for a song every three weeks.
No, I wouldn't recommend switching to Pepsi JUST for the points.
I had never paid any attention to the point thing before but then I saw the "buy this with Pepsi points" thing on Amazon. I knew I had some 12 pack boxes in my trash barrel so I dug those out and got the codes off the boxes. One of the codes wouldn't work at all. I think I almost have enough for two free songs now - whoopie - two bucks.
Two bucks is two bucks, but I wouldn't make a big deal out of getting points.
Yeah, like I said, it's not enough to make me switch.
I've never liked Pepsi, and was willing to try and change. Heck, I'd be happy with one free song per twelve pack. I know .99 is a lot to offer back on a $4 purchase, but like I said, I'm SURE they cut a deal to get a better price.
They don't offer the points on every song, only selected artists.
But that makes you think they're specifically doing some cross-promotion with Amazon AND certain artists.
Which makes it seem all the more likely they'd offer a better deal.
Oh well. I have a feeling that won't be a very good campaign for them. BUT if you drink Pepsi anyway then what the hell, over the summer you might get a free album for buying what you already would have bought.