I installed a bunch more Firefox add-ons this evening.
So far, I'm liking:
Easy DragToGo - I can click on a link and drag it different directions to do differen things. For example, I can click a link and drag it up and to the right to make it open the link in a new tab.
FaviconizeTab - This will let you shrink a tab to the width of the icon so you can fit more tabs in the screen. As long as you know the icon of the site, you can still know which tab is what.
Make Link - You can highlight text and then right-click the text and chose "Make Link". It will give you options of type of code to make out of that text for the address of the page you are on.
New Tab Button on Tab Right - This puts a little empty tab on the end of the right-most tabs. Clicking that little box opens a new blank tab.
PDF Download - clicking on a PDF file link gives you the option to open it or save the PDF.
Screen grab! - Makes taking screen shots easy.
Foxmarks Bookmark Synchronizer - We were talking about backing up bookmarks a few days ago. This service will upload your bookmarks to an online serivce. You can then have it sync all your computers to the same bookmarks or also just use it as a backup for one computer.
Playing with the Make Link to see what kind of link I need to use here.
Oh cool, I highlighted "Make Link" from my first post, right clicked on the highlight, selected "Forum Code" and then pasted the code here in the post.
I use firefox at work primarily for tuning into the station and the forum, as my internet explorer got real sketchy for awhile there, but I have not downloaded it to this pc yet. Where are the add ons found even?
"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus. Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09
I use firefox at work primarily for tuning into the station and the forum, as my internet explorer got real sketchy for awhile there, but I have not downloaded it to this pc yet. Where are the add ons found even?
Just go to Tools -> Addons
Then you can "get addons" which will take you to a Firefox page where you can search or browse addons. When you see one you like, you can click the install button and its done.
I still think the best add on ever is the AD BLOCK PLUS.
That alone makes FireFox the best browser. I get so spoiled not having those banner ads, then I open up explorer for whatever reason, come to the forum and get hit with those annoying talking emoticon ads.
Oh, and I've removed one addon that I added the other night. I added a status bar addon that would show how many photos were on the page, percent completed loading, load time, page size etc. There was nothing wrong with the addon itself other than it took up status bar space so that I couldn't see what address I would be going to when hovering over a link. I didn't realize how much I look at the link destinations before clicking until I couldn't see them.