...news media putting the word "gate" behind everything.
It was bad enough when they used it for every single political scandal, be it actually political or about the scandals in the sexual lives of politicians.
But now it's used for anything.
ESPN is calling the Brett Favre situation Favregate.
ENOUGH. It just makes the established media look stupid! Oh. Wait...
The whole Favre thing was old three years ago Fuzzy. I'm as sick as anyone of the "should I retire, I might retire, I'm thinking of retiring, nah, I'm just messin' with ya, I'm not gonna retire. Maybe I SHOULD retire. You didn't really try to talk me out of it very hard. Yeah, I think I'm gonna retire. That's it, I'm retired. I'm still young though, still feel strong. Can I come back?" game he plays.
But in the end it's just a flippin' game. People are so obsessed about this it's ridiculous.
For me, it all comes down to one simple question.
Are we more likely to go to the playoffs with Brett Favre of Aaron Rodgers. Answer: Favre
So cut all the crap and bring him back. All the other stuff is just BS in my opinion. These same people that are all up in arms about Favre making such a big deal of this are doing the exact same thing and don't realize it.
it's a game. He's a player. The math here is simple.
The game has now evolved to "I am guilty of retiring too early." "I don't feel welcome in Green Bay."
i am sure he still thinks and may be able to play the game. At the same time, I believe he just doesn't know what to do with himself. He has all this time on his hands that he really never had before. I think he shoudl stay retired. Go out on one of his best years. I think it would be hard to have played all those years in one city, just for one team and now look to play for someone else. As a fan, that would suck too.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
It's got to be hard for these athletes to walk away. It's really the only thing they've ever known.
Now they have to face the reality that he may never play in front of a crowd again. Never have another shot at a Superbowl., etc.
But there's other ways to stay in football. I'm sure ESPN will offer him work as a commentator.
He's made such a mess of the situation, if he doesn't play he should probably just lay low for a year or so and then join some network as a commentator.
He seems like the quiet, more reserved type. He is knowledgable guy, but I don't know if he would be a good broadcaster. He is no Troy Aikman. I think his talents would be best used coaching, either at the high school or college level.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
That "aw, shucks" country boy routine he has on the national media is not how he really is.
You put him in front of a microphone and he get's pretty chatty. He's really cultivated this image of a reluctant star, but most people around here are starting to realize just how much he loves the spotlight and having the camera and microphone focused on him.
Ah. Hence the three years of being the drama queen. We don't see much of him like that. We have our own drama queens around here. Being a high school or college quarterback right now, there isn't anyone better to learn from though.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
You know, it's interesting. Early on in this whole mess the Packers made it clear they would not take him back as a coach. It was kind of just a throw away comment that didn't make many waves, but I wondered about it.
His whole career I've heard TV analysts say you don't want to teach your kids to throw the way Favre does. Across his body, across the field, off-balance, on his back foot, etc. They always say that's the magic of Favre, how the mechanics are horrible but the results are often amazing. Of course, he's also the all-time interceptions leader.
Do you think a team would want him coaching quarterbacks given his unconventional style? I've wondered about that for years.
I knew he was a bit unconventional, but I guess I didn't know it was that bad. I guess you don't want to be teaching a kid those mechanics. Oh well, there goes that idea. Maybe he needs to write a book or something.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.