alright, I'd start by saying I'm sorry for yet another rant. But the FFR forum is like my padded room. Sometimes I just need to come in here and scream a little.
I am becoming more and more convinced that the entire population of the entire United States is headed down the road to eventual ruin. Common sense, decency, self-respect, respect for others, it's all going down the toilet in a hurry.
I just returned from the food store where I got in line behind your stereotypical redneck. Buzz cut, LITERAL red neck, wife-beater shirt, and a look on his face like he couldn't understand you if you spoke faster than four words a minute. I'm sorry to sound so judgemental, but I'm telling you, this guy was the STEREOTYPICAL redneck.
So he's in line proudly telling the clerk he's got three babies due in the next four to six weeks. By two different women, to go along with the one he already has. The clerk pressed for details (big mistake, just ring the loser up) and the guy explains he had the one kid, and was messin' around with another woman right before he went to jail. While he was in jail he found out the woman was pregnant. As soon as he got out of jail he hooked up with another chick who was a friend of the first chick and now she's pregnant. The first chick has since found out she's having twins.
I don't even know where to begin. Stupid to this degree should probably be locked up in prison just on principle. But if you're against locking up stupid people how about we lock people up who think it's a game to run around getting as many women as possible pregnant? This guy was PROUD. I mean PROUD. As if the fact he could impregnate women on command proved his manhood and this alone was his single biggest acheivement in life.
Leaving the store I just shook my head. I'm so fed up with it I could just scream.
Everything in society seems like it's breaking down. from the tiniest thing like the woman who thinks it's fine to leave her empty shopping cart in the space next to her car rather than walk it the 10 feet to to a corral all the way up to this idiot.
You read the online paper and every article published has a "readers" respond section where 9 out of 10 anonymous posters just hate on each other and tell the columnist he's a hack.
You walk down the street and you're bombarded with cars going by with their windows open, blaring rap music with all it's F-bomb and MF'in glory being broadcast to the world.
It seems as if the majority of the country believes the earth is their trash can.
I'm just so tired of it all.
I want to stop complaining about it and do something. BUT WHAT? What do we do? How do we turn back the hands of time?
My whole life I've told myself you can only change it by example. I walk my carts back to the corral. I save my trash for a trash can. I don't swear in public. I speak nicely to others and respect them until given a reason not to. I would never let my dog crap on someones yard and not clean it up. I worry about my dog barking and annoying the neighbors when I leave the house. I won't stop in the middle of the street to let someone out of my car or pick someone up, regardless of the traffic congestion behind me.
Guess what, it ain't makin' the least bit of difference.
So what? WHAT DO WE DO?!?!?!
The seal is broken. TV, Movies, Internet, it's all become this big mess that just tells everyone that anything they do is just fine. It's all about YOU.
Gone are the days where Lucy & Ricky couldn't be shown in bed together, replaced with sitcoms like Friends and Two & A Half Men that suggest sleeping around is hilarious and perfectly acceptable. Gone are the days when there were some standards about what was broadcast on the free airwaves, replaced with kudos to shows like NYPD Blue for pushing that nudity envelope as far as it could go. Gone are the days when people actually dressed up a little to go out in public, replaced with torn sweat pants with things like "Juicy" written across their rear.
Yeah, some of it was probably ridiculous and over the top to begin with. But look where we are now!
Maybe I am just a grumpy old man at this point. Maybe I see the glass as half empty. But things are changing at a rapid rate and I am GLAD I won't be here in 50 years to see what a cesspool the world has turned into.
Does anyone even care? We're so wrapped up in our own lives the idea of worrying about the greater good seems to be dead. Unless of course it's the hand wringing over a war in another country.
Good God. Let's start worrying about what our own nation is becoming. A collection of me-first, arrogant, INCREDIBLY SPOILED jerks!
Rant done. But I'm serious. My life is slowly turning from what I want out of it to what I feel I need to give back. If someone has thoughts on what a person can do to change the advancement of the crap attack I'd like to know.