I see Riggs has gone international in scope with his FFR Dollar Pyramid Scheme.
What many don't know is this idea had its genesis with a sister 14 years his junior over a quarter century ago. The little girl worshipped Riggs. Riggs had been plottting his plan for global domination...So he waited....
Till he was a liitle older, and a liitle wiser... With ... A little sister.
He made her do errands...for "Riggs Dollars" He had her alphabetize and sort his 100,000 base ball cards...for Riggs Dollars. He made her eat his vegetables (she grew up big and strong, and Riggs has the strength of a new born infant to this day)...for Riggs dollars.
These dollars went toward..."Riggs Merchandise"...stuff he had outgrown or for his computer... which would be twenty years obsolete by the time of delivery.
He worked, he toiled he sweated. He refined the plan, tweaked the details and....
The FFR Dollar plan was born.
The Riggs Treasury Department is standing by to trade your FFr Dollars for FFr Merchandise...
His whole scheme has left him a dollar seventy two in the red....so help a brother out. Order today.
Riggs, you either discover a get rich quick scheme or you don't...You punk!