Johnny Carson passed away this weekend apparantly from Emphezyma.
I was wondering if anyone had any particular memories of him?
When I was a kid, I'd sleep over by my grandparents house (they had a lot of kids, and their youngest kid was actually my uncle even though I was 3 years older than him, so we were more like friends rather than uncle/nephew).
Anyway, after 10:30 at night they'd have the lights off, and my grandparents would be sitting on their pull-out sofa (where they slept every night) and the only light in the house would be from the TV, and they would watch Johnny right up until midnight.
I heard SO much of the show because me & my uncle would be talking or playing lego's or something when we were SUPPOSED to be sleeping.
I always thought Carson was such an "Old Person" show. But now it's one of my two fondest memories of my grand parents (the other being the big band music my grandfather used to play CONSTANTLY on the stereo). That was another thing I couldn't stand back then
It was hard enough when Jay took over for Johnny to except, but now I picture Johnny trying to bump the BIG GUY upstairs out of his chair. But now that he's gone maybe we will be hearing JD saying...
Heeeeeeers Riggsy!!
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...