MSNBC is reporting that the city of San Francisco is considering a "Bag Tax" on all shoppers (food stores included) that use paper OR plastic bags for their items!
The tree huggers are claiming that too many trees are cut down for the paper bags and the plastic bags create numerous environmental problems.
Personally, this sounds ridiculous to me, but apparantly it's been done in other countries and the person leading the charge says we need to think "outside the bag" (oh how cute ).
Anyway, I'm curious, what do you all think?
Would you be willing to pay the tax? Or would you simply drive outside the city to get your groceries?
If you could avoid the tax by say bringing your own reusable plastic crates would that be acceptable to you?
You know, I have one thought, we as humans take in fresh air and exhale air that is completely unusable to other humans. Perhaps this too is an environmental crisis we should be taxing? Perhaps we need to start charging a nickel per breath! Would you be willing to slow down your breathing?