My EX boyfriend just stood in front of me for a good 10 minutes talking to another guy and kept getting text messages, and he read it, chuckle, or smile, then he'd respond, and then 40 seconds later he'd get another one, then he'd respond, etc...... and this went on until I said, "can you take your cozy little texting down the hall"!!!!!!
and when someone passes gas, in "your space"!!!! That GUMAS too! and then they walk away, and it's embarrassing for you if someone comes near cuz they think it's you who did it.
The guy at the desk next to me reads my IMs and text messages over my shoulder. That GUMAS BIG TIME. He even on occassion feels free to comment or try to "help" me with my reply. The sad thing is that he actually has to stand up and turn around to see my desk!
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Feel free, Fuzzy! He decided that it was okay to do this when he decided that he was going to be my man. Ummm... negative, ghost rider! I never agreed to that.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
GUMAS that after owning a house w/ a guy who I have to work w/ every day and see how much money he takes home w/ regular pay and road work (details) he can't offer to help me with any of the bills or mortgage that are still in his name!!!