I have always been a vanilla nut, in fact I used to buy bottles of vanilla syrup (not the kind you bake with, but actual syrup for use in soda) and make my own vanilla cokes until they started selling them that way.
I was excited to try out this new Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper, but I have to say it's an odd taste. I mean, Dr. Pepper was already a unique tasting cola, now with the other flavors mixed in, it's a real hodge-podge of flavor. I almost don't even taste the vanilla until well after the soda is no longer in my mouth.
I know, an odd topic for a thread, but what can I say, I'm an odd guy
When I lived in Arkansas, the local Sonic had a buy one burger, get one free on Tuesday nights. I worked as a bagger at the military commissary (grocery store). I would grab a can of whip cream in the can and a friend of mine named Danielle and I would go to Sonic. You can't beat whip cream in a can. Anyway, I would eat the whip cream out of the can on the way to Sonic and when we got there we would order burgers and I would get a vanilla Dr. Pepper. I absolutely loved those. I'm a big Dr. Pepper fan, but I don't drink it that often. If I want to take a trip down memory lane, I buy a can of whip cream and head to Sonic.
One thing that I found out that you don't do with Dr. Pepper is drink it with orange juice and vodka. We made these Dr. Screwdrivers that were really awesome my junior year. (Tent camping birthday party sleepover alcohol bash, replete with a Playgirl that someone snagged. Wasn't that interesting. ) We loved them and drank a lot of it. The only problem is - the Dr. Pepper interacts with the orange juice and you get this gas bubble that makes you feel like you are going to die. I'm not kidding. All I could think was "I'm going to die and my Dad is going to kill me again for drinking alcohol when he didn't know about it and looking at Playgirl!". Don't ever drink a Dr. Screwdriver. They are great going down, but they are hell about 15 minutes later and for about 2 hours after that!
On that note, I'm going to start my own thread about this.
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them you will be a mile away and have their shoes.
That's one think I hate about trying a new softdrink, you never know if it will be around in a month so I'm almost afraid to try it in case I really like it.
When they finally came out with Vanilla Coke I was worried about that. If they would have canceled that brand I would have had to buy a skid of it and store it in the basement :)
quote: Originally posted by: Jeremy Riggs "When they finally came out with Vanilla Coke I was worried about that. If they would have canceled that brand I would have had to buy a skid of it and store it in the basement :)"
Me too...though I haven't had it in ages...I have been drinking this sugar free carbonated flavored water (guess it's not much different that Crystal Pepsi) & it's been helping me keep weight off...I was drinking 3-4 cans of Vanilla coke at home a day, plus probably a fountain coke at work. when I started gaining weight like crazy (30 LBS in 3 months...Went from an active job to a desk job)I sarted watching what I ate better...I really haven't changed my eating habits, but getting rid of 120 Calories a can plus maybe double that for the fountain (720 calories a day on drinks alone) to 0 calories, and what tastes like all the sprite I can drink, I've begun losing that weight again.
with trying new stuff, I participated in one of those surveys that gave me 2 6-packs of an unreleased beverage from Pepsi code named Cream Pop. they tasted like carbonated orange creamsicles....they were SO good...but that was back in February of 04, and haven't seen anything since. Guess it didn't test well.
I've cut way back on regular soda, but every so often I slip back. I like the C2 from Coke (not as much as Vanilla Coke), so that's atleast only half the calories.
That stuff you tested sounds GREAT! I would definately be trying that out! There's a little company that has their soda in the stores here in four pack glass bottles, they make an Orange Dreamsicle soda and it's delicious.
My list would be the same as yours, except #1 would be at #3.
I GOTTA have my soda as cold as possible, water too.
My family thinks I'm nuts because the soda is so cold in my house it hurt their teeth.
When I got my new fridge a few years ago I spent two days keeping a digital thermometer in there, the kind where you have the read out OUTSIDE and just a sensor on the inside.
Once i got the temperature to a steady 34 degrees I started stocking up on sodas and water :)
You can take a soda outta my fridge, put it in the freezer for LITERALLY about 2 minutes and when you take it out and open it a slush will form at the top of it! Mmmmmmmmmmmm.
I finally took the temperature setting this seriously after having far too many cans freeze and explode in my fridge (what a mess!)