3 yrs ago? Has it only been 3 years? Hehehehe... I tend to agree with Jon Stewart's sentiment: The long, flat, seemingly endless Bataan Death March to the White House
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
3 yrs ago? Has it only been 3 years? Hehehehe... I tend to agree with Jon Stewart's sentiment: The long, flat, seemingly endless Bataan Death March to the White House
I totally get that people are sick of the war and none too fond of the current administration. I just don't think it was necessary to start the campaign 3 days before the official start of W's second term. It is funny to me how the media jumped all over the start of the campaigning and were egging it on in fact... only to start whining about how long it is taking. I keep hearing the soundtrack of my friend Jewel in my head, "How much longer, how much longer? Good Lord Almighty, how much longer?"
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Other than announcing the VP choices, I don't even see why they are having conventions. Seems like a waste of time to me, and just another excuse for both sides to pick on each other for whatever happens at the out of control hotel parties that are bound to happen. I don't even care about that.
There should be a rule... there must be something new and actually news worthy for any of the media outlets to report on any of this. I don't care what school Obama did or did not go to. I don't care when McCain started dating his wife. I don't care where anyone is campaigning unless something noteworthy happened.
Come to think of it... instead of the "undecideds" or the " swing voters", perhaps the campaigns should think about courting the people like me who are just so tired of the whole thing that we are losing interest.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Amen! I'd probably feel strongly one way or the other if they would actually STATE what their actual positions are. The only one I've heard a definitive "this is my position" on is the dreaded "A" word. No surprises there... straight across party lines. So, there is that, but what about the rest of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness????
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Its interesting to me how if one party takes one side of an issue, the other party has to take the opposite view automatically. What about common ground? What we need is a LEGITIMATE third party to force the issues to the forefront, not party rhetoric.
I'm a coveted swing voter. I refuse to take a side and label myself as one party or another, because I don't totally agree with either party.
I think we should do away with parties all together. There's too many that vote along party lines instead of voting for what they truly believe in. I have a friend that says she goes in, punches her party button, and is done, but her views and opinions really coincide more with the other party.
I agree with Mz. I wish we could just vote issues and not parties. I don't see the reason for having to pick red or blue (If you want your vote to count).
I am not a fan of either candidate. The one I supported dropped out of the race. However, I have decided on what I think is the lesser of 2 evils because I cannot stand at all one of them and pray he will not be elected.
Voting on issues instead of parties would be nice. I'm also not overly fond of either candidate as I see issues with both of them. Neither of them really will step too far out on a limb and say what they actually believe on most things. They are so busy "moving to the center". It's a shame. Oh well, if all else fails one can always vote for one of the 3rd party candidates then fuss about whomever does actually get elected.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.