I just wanted to encourage all of you to look at your automobile policies. There is part of your policy that tells how much they will pay out per person in an accident and how much they will pay out per accident. Check this out closely! My brother was in a car accident right before Thanksgiving. He and another car hit head on. His insurance was pretty good. $100,00 per person/$350,000 per accident. One of the women that rode with my brother is suing. She is taking him to court because the second doctor she went to after she hired her lawyer said that she has back injuries (which is not that amazing since she is receiving a check from ANOTHER accident where she sustained back injuries). Anyway, I digress. If your max amount is reached, you are liable for the rest. Think of it this way...you're in a car and you hit another car and it's your fault. There can be up to 7 people in a minivan. What if they don't have medical insurance? That comes out of that amount I mentioned before. Not to push, but I just wanted you guys to be aware. I checked mine out and only had $50,000 per person and $100,000 per accident. I about choked. I raised it up sky high and it only raised my insurance by about $60 a year. Peace of mind, baby. I can live with that.
Oh, on another note...watch who you carpool with. If you know that someone is sue happy, don't be stupid enough to ride with them, even if you feel sorry for them because no one else will. You will just be hanging yourself if you get into an accident with them.
O.K. Trish is stepping down from the soapbox and is REALLY going to bed now. Catch y'all later.
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them you will be a mile away and have their shoes.