Finally checking in again. I've had a nice visit, but am definitely ready to go home now. Got a few stories to eventually share, but I figure I'll wait til I'm back home in my comfort zone.
For now I will just say this... I've managed to catch something of a cold or sinus infection. Since then, I've been pondering the possibility of starting a campaign to rid the world of one-ply toilet paper and cheap facial tissues! I had the extreme misfortune of purchasing a box of tissue from a store called Trader Joe's. I had spent 2 days already suffering the cheap hotel tissue and paper towels to deal with my nose. Certainly, I thought... ANYTHING has to be better than the options I had so far. I was WRONG. I was OH SO WRONG!!! I believe the Trader Joe's tissues are made of a psychotic combination of sandpaper, gravel, ****leburrs, and quite possibly tree bark. I used exactly one sheet of that... if that were my only option again, I would sooner go rub my face on the sidewalk. I believe I would incur fewer flesh wounds!!
Product Endorsement: Puffs Plus With Lotion and Vicks... this stuff is tissue nirvana for the mucus afflicted. You don't want to go rubbing it on your glasses, but it's a little sheet of heaven on a sore nose.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Mz... you are a better woman than I. Mema was built for comfort! I do feel a little better about my tissue habits and preferences since watching "How They Make It"-s episode involving these items. They are typically made from recycled materials such as newspaper, and regular sheet paper.
I'm not trying to run down Trader Joe's in any way. I didn't look around a lot, but it looked like a nice store. I gathered as soon as I walked in that it was a natural type place. We don't have that chain here, but we do have Whole Foods, and I shop there frequently.
Pambo... I have yet to tell you stories of this trip. Just wait til lunch!! I'll let you decide which ones are good enough to share.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Huh? WHAT? Oh dang... you were just channeling Momma and Aunt Mary.
Both of them tend to mumble rather than actually speak in a conversational volume. It is REALLY hard to distinguish between when they are really talking to you and when they are externalizing those thoughts that are supposed to be internal. You can't even tell by the craziness of the comments because they say some really strange things on purpose.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.