Dang... I thought all you needed was a digital voice recorder and maybe a digital camcorder. Perhaps I've been watching too many of those ghost hunter shows.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
What the heck? Ya only live once... depending on your view of reincarnation. I have three grandkids already and one on the way... I been slimed before, I'll be slimed again. Might as well see if I can't get the bejesus scared out of me while causing catastrophe of biblical proportions with Bill Murray!
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Ghost, JR, Web and myself were the originals from awhile back. I think somehow Fuzzy became ghost bait and Mz jumped on board. So now we REALLY have a group! Look out ghosts!!
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Ghost, JR, Web and myself were the originals from awhile back. I think somehow Fuzzy became ghost bait and Mz jumped on board. So now we REALLY have a group! Look out ghosts!!
WOW... practically the whole crew now. I'm gonna have to talk to Pambo about trading in Stay-Puft so she can get the Pambulance back. We are gonna need the room!
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.