Ok, I've said in the past this wouldn't be a PROBLEM for us, but I'm going to take it a step further now and RECOMMEND that you guys form some kind of a network amongst yourselves to share missed Bingo numbers.
Perhaps anyone who doesn't MIND sharing their numbers could say so in this thread, and then if someone misses the daily numbers they could send a private post to one of the people on the list.
In the interest of fairness to all, I don't think we can get into a situation where I can give the numbers to someone who missed them. But I also don't want our loyal listeners to miss out because they can't listen CONSTANTLY while at work. I realize many of you need to take phone calls, etc.
So please consider forming some kind of a group to assist each other.
Be certain NOT to make Mo the leader, or the groups mission is sure to quickly switch from numbers sharing to a hostile takeover of the Freeze-Frame corporate headquarters
WOAH...left field cybershot there...um yeah a hostile take over of an internet radio station in which I already have some control (told you the auto request system would be handy to me)
But remember me, I'm the #'s/Stats guy...you need help I'm here...I won't give daily numbers all the time, but you mis a number here & there I'll be glad to help, as long as the help is reciprecal. I wan't to win...but I want to beat someone because I got a bingo first, Not because someone missed #'s due to work & should have beatten me.
I would be happy to share the numbers I have. I don't have them all, but I have quite a few. Have been having to take the phones off quite a bit and I'm not liking it!
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them you will be a mile away and have their shoes.
quote: Originally posted by: Mocrzy "WOAH...left field cybershot there...um yeah a hostile take over of an internet radio station in which I already have some control (told you the auto request system would be handy to me) But remember me, I'm the #'s/Stats guy...you need help I'm here...I won't give daily numbers all the time, but you mis a number here & there I'll be glad to help, as long as the help is reciprecal. I wan't to win...but I want to beat someone because I got a bingo first, Not because someone missed #'s due to work & should have beatten me."
Okay, I am here begging for the last number given on Friday. My daughter turned two on Friday and I had to leave to take cupcakes to the daycare. I actually thought of postponing for a half of an hour, but commom sense took over. Anyway you can email me at asisson@csuniv.edu, if you feel gracious enough to share the third number on Friday! Thanks!
check your e-mail....BTW there is a private message function on the boards....just select the person you want to send the message to ( by clicking thier name in the post), then click "send message" next to private messaging. You will know you have a response when the section at the top of each page that says "Logged in as _____--Posts ____" has an extra message indicating you have a private message. it's easier than going the full e-mail route