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Permanent Vacation

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RE: The Right Now Thread

Can I be a very shallow, despicable, sad example of a person for a moment?

My husband has a couple pictures of me in my sexy prime that he has in a keepsake box. I was probably 70-80 lbs thinner than I am now. Sometimes I feel bad that I'm not that svelte any more for him.

He also has a couple similar pictures of his ex-girlfriend.

I've mentioned her before. She's an awesome person. I didn't meet her until after Brian and I started dating, and still we became friends.

Although I like her, I can't help but be jealous of those pictures. I think her pictures are better than mine (because I'll always be a bit insecure), so there's always part of me that worries that Brian might think so too.

The last time we saw her in person, she still looked great. I had already gained a bit of weight at that point, and was feeling sorry for myself. That was a while ago, 6 years, maybe more.

Pictures of her have been posted to Facebook recently. She's also gained weight. Just as much, if not more than me. Part of me is like, "I feel for ya, sista."

The shallow part of me, the part I'm ashamed of, is like, "Good."




Bad Biker Granny

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It is human nature, Mz... don't get mad at yourself for it. That is just normal.


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

Permanent Vacation

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Brian's a little bored and wanted to hang out with friends.  Well, none of his friends are home right now.  He's also kind of friends with the maintenance guy, who was hanging out at the pool.  So he invited him over.

This dude has been drinking and is really annoying right now.  I'm trying to think of an excuse to leave or go upstairs and do something.  Ugh.




Permanent Vacation

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What the F is Fing up with this Fing week? Everything is a Fing rush. Everyone and they're Fing brother are just randomly stopping by my office when I don't Fing have the time to deal with their BS. I literally had people Fing lining up to meet with me today. No one Fing called first. Fing things are breaking, Fing computer won't work right. Fing suppliers and Fing orders up. What the F? I can't wait for another hour and fifteen minutes until I can say F it and leave this Fing place!

Ahem, sorry, just had to vent. Thank you.




Bad Biker Granny

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I'm taking some deep breaths, because I'm actually right there with you. Someone is trying to pick a fight with me when I'm actually complying with their request.


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

Permanent Vacation

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Posts: 23086

I know I have the music in my office too loud when my boss later walks by singing parts of a song that was previously on.

Just now, she walked by singing, "I guess the change in my pocket wasn't enough..." She did not continue on to sing the chorus.

I said, "I guess I should have turned that song down a bit."

Her, "Oh, is that where I heard that? Is that Cee Lo Green?"

Me, "Yep. And it was the uncensored version."

She's back in her office at this point, voice raised so I can hear her across the hall. "What's the name of that song?"

I looked around for cameras to see if I was being punked.




Bad Biker Granny

Status: Offline
Posts: 20960

That is priceless.


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

Bad Biker Granny

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Posts: 20960



Yup... it's the new clown car config.


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

Permanent Vacation

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Posts: 23086

Man, you better like your cube mate with that setup.  How many times have you rolled back into each other already?




Bad Biker Granny

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We have yet to actually bump into each other, but Lee is getting a little tired of having to step out so I can change my mind. We agreed to stuff our monitors inside the little shelf thingies at the open end of the cubicle so that the generall movement of the chairs would be more toward the back of the desk and less toward each other.

It didn't show up in the picture, but there was some weird funk stuck to the top of my desk. Clorox wipes wasn't getting it. Had to resort to scraping it off with the edge of my metal ruler. Believe it or not, I don't ask a lot out of my office space. I do, however, expect to not get some desk funk transmitted version of hepatitis.


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

Bad Biker Granny

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Posts: 20960

For the first time in my 22 year career, I have decided to quit attending meetings for a large, important project prior to deployment. Why? Because I can feel myself getting dumber with every consecutive call. Seriously. The chick running it is empty-headed. Nature abhores a vacuum. She is sucking my IQ points right through the phone.


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

Permanent Vacation

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Posts: 23086

Well, that joke bombed.

My boss: "What was the manager's name of that company?  Ed something?"

Me: "I don't remember."  I looked it up. "Edward Dye."

Boss: "Ed Dye?"

Me: "Yep, like Forrest Gump's friend Eddie."

Boss: "I don't remember that."

Me: "He didn't have a friend named Eddie, that was a joke.  Think of how Forrest would say Eddie."

Boss: "How he would say Eddie?"

Me: "Yeah, Ed Dye."

Boss: "Oh."




Permanent State of Confusion

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All I received in the mail today was three bills. All are associated with the finding or removal of the tumor. I didn't even get a piece of junk mail.


Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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MzHartz wrote:

Well, that joke bombed.

My boss: "What was the manager's name of that company?  Ed something?"

Me: "I don't remember."  I looked it up. "Edward Dye."

Boss: "Ed Dye?"

Me: "Yep, like Forrest Gump's friend Eddie."

Boss: "I don't remember that."

Me: "He didn't have a friend named Eddie, that was a joke.  Think of how Forrest would say Eddie."

Boss: "How he would say Eddie?"

Me: "Yeah, Ed Dye."

Boss: "Oh."

 I hate when my pop-culture references/jokes fall flat.  Usually that only happens with the more obscure references though. I would have though anybody would get a Forrest Gump reference. 


Permanent Vacation

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Posts: 23086

I need to vent for a moment.

My grandparents are having health problems, and I posted something about it on Facebook. I'm also friends with my ex-stepmom on Facebook. Yesterday, she sent me this message:

"You don't need to reply to this because I know it is awkward but when there is a divorce half of your family just disappears. They are people you grew to love. It killed me when I couldn't see you anymore. So I guess I am saying I still care for you guys so much...." [I cut out the rest of the message because it's memories of my family, and I don't really want to spread their personal stuff here. It's nice memories.]

Sounds pretty harmless, right? Except:

She divorced my dad after falling for another man over the internet. She's the one that wanted the divorce.

My dad still made peace with her, and they still took the kids (my stepbrother and half-sister) to do things together. They lived 100 miles away from our family that she's referring to and saw them 3-4 times a year, so it's not like she saw them all the time.

She also never really knew me and wanted to make me something I wasn't. She wanted a girly-girl daughter, bought me porcelain dolls, and gave me jewelry. I wasn't really a doll girl, I preferred dolls. I wasn't very girly, I preferred artistic and a bit weird.

We (me and her) still had plans to visit together after her and my dad split. Several times we made arrangements for her to pick me up and we'd spend a weekend together. SHE never followed through. One time, I was sitting there waiting for her, and when she didn't show and I called her, she told me she couldn't come.

When she friended me on Facebook, I forgave her enough to be Facebook friends, but I don't have any intention of going out of my way to visit her or anything.

But when she says... "It killed me when I couldn't see you anymore." Bull****.

I didn't reply.




Bad Biker Granny

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Posts: 20960

She must be having the guilties about something.


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

Chocolate Pip Cookie

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Or she wants something...


Permanent Vacation

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Posts: 23086

Part of my job is ordering promotional products for my customers, things like mugs, pens, etc. with their logo on them. Most items also give the option of ordering them without the logo (so essentially, just ordering an item in bulk).

Right now I'm putting in the order for a self-inking stamp for a customer. This is basically just an address stamp. On the web form, there is the option for no imprint.

What in the world would you do with a blank self-inking stamp?




Bad Biker Granny

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Posts: 20960

A practical joke or two come to mind...


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

Bad Biker Granny

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Posts: 20960

Right now I can't believe I just had to have a conversation with one of the call testers about the fact that he is free to give his job functions to other people, but not mine.


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

Bad Biker Granny

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Posts: 20960

And right now... same dude as above... he tells me that he might need me to put some more numbers in test routing tonight. I ask what is the purpose of his testing? Is it connectivity testing or network confidence testing. He says connectivity testing... that means can a call get from A to B. Only need one number for that. I've already routed 2 for him. He should be good to go. Then he goes and tells me that even if he does test tonight, the network design is incorrect. So I ask, "Then why would you bother testing it at all of this is not the right design?".


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

Permanent Vacation

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Posts: 23086

Oh my freaking...

So, the Etch basically takes care of her twin grandsons 5 days a week. Their mom basically doesn't want to be a mom, and she's been spoiled her whole life. The Etch is stuck between wanting her daughter to tough it out on her own, but she wants her grandchildren to have the best life possible.

The one grandson has been having behavioral issues, so they took him to see a kid psychologist. Today The Etch, her ex-husband, and her daughter met with the therapist. The therapist said that The Etch should only have the kids 2 days a week, and they should be with their mom for 5. The Etch is worried that the kids will be neglected while they are with her. Everyone but The Etch agrees with this plan, but she's pissed.

So since she got back from the meeting, she's been on the phone with her other daughter, her ex, and the daughter with the kids. These have not been quiet conversations.

I had a customer come in a little bit ago. She's my belly dance teacher, and one of those people that's larger than life. Her voice carries, but she's also very genuine. I think she's what the Etch wishes she could be. After she left, the Etch commented that she has a loud talking voice.

And then the Etch's daughter called, and they had a yelling argument over the phone. Hypocritical much?




Bad Biker Granny

Status: Offline
Posts: 20960

Geebuz... that is not awkward at all. I'm sure it sucks for her to be told to back off a bit, but it sounds like she really does need to. The mom needs to step up. Hopefully the kids won't suffer for it, but you never know what will really happen until you give it a chance. Maybe the mom will step up a bit if she is forced to.


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

Bad Biker Granny

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Posts: 20960

And the wait begins... got a flu shot about half an hour ago. Will I fall out with a headache and all that business like usual? I dunno... tick, tock, tick, tock

In other news, construction continues here at Camp Happy. The clown car down the way from me has been partially dismantled so that a badge reader / security gate can be installed. Somehow this bad boy is gonna be wedged between the cubicle, the water fountain on the opposite wall, and the hallway to get to my desk. Should be interesting.


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

Bad Biker Granny

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Posts: 20960

So as of today, the Les Nessman lines on the office floor have actually been replaced with walls and a door hole. I'm glad to see they are going with a door as opposed to the plexiglass bread-slicer gateway like they have in other buildings. Wondering if they will go with a glass door since there is a water fountain immediately inside the door. Then again, if they go with a solid door it would be fun to watch people get beatend down while trying to get a drink.


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

Bad Biker Granny

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Posts: 20960

Right now I'd like to line up a bunch of my female co-workers and slap them upside the head! Okay... yes... I changed my dietary habits. Yes, I started working out. No... this does not mean that I am critical of your weight, your eating habits, or your workout schedule or lack thereof, so please don't try to put that off on me. It means I got to the point where I was tired of being so disappointed with myself, so I decided to do something about me. I'm not loud and obnoxious about this choice, I just decided what I needed to do and started doing it. Sure, I mentioned to a few of my friends that I was going to try to get some weight off, and have made a few jokes about my muscle ache related misery... but on the whole I don't discuss it because it is just not a big deal.

I'm not sick, depressed, eating disordered, or dating someone. I'm also not a diet guru or a magician. If you ask me what I am doing that has made such a change in my appearance, I will honestly tell you. If what you want to hear is that I just take some "magic diet pill" and do nothing else, don't ask... because that is not the answer I will give. I've learned what works for me, so I do what I know works for me. I don't know what works for you, what your physical limitations are, or what your health condition is... so I'm not making recommendations either. I'm just answering your question.


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

Bad Biker Granny

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Posts: 20960

Oh goodie!!! More drilling and hammering!! Seems they are finally about to install a door on my side of the floor. Apparently the other side of the elevator lobby is being similarly configured so that the "DMZ" effect will in fact be complete.


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

Bad Biker Granny

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Posts: 20960

Office construction update of the day: I'm not quite sure what happened, but now my side of the floor lacks overhead lighting. This development is not one that actually bothers me as I personally prefer it when looking at the computer monitor. It is, however, apparently quite disturbing to some of my co-workers who feel they might need to go home because they want to go home.


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

Permanent Vacation

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Posts: 23086

My boss just came up with the best comeback.

One of the guys started a rumor that our company would be closing the first of the year. It is not true.

One of the other guys confronted my boss with it. She replied, "Yes, we will be closing on January 1st. However, we will reopen on the 2nd just like we do every year."




Bad Biker Granny

Status: Offline
Posts: 20960

Good one!


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
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