I didn't pick it up yet because I was really disappointed with their last couple of albums.
Yeah, there was a time in the mid 90's that they totally sold out. The album was crap, and the single (I can't even remember what it was) was overplayed on the radio. It got to the point that I didn't even want to hear Metallica anymore. And, "Unforgiven 2"? Sell out!
I agree Mz!! I loved Metallica when they were Metallica. Then it was like "well, let's put this piece of crap out, it'll sell cuz it's got our name on it." They alienated a lot of their hard core fans with the last 2 or 3 albums they made.
I have been told by a friend (from a very huge fan indeed) that the new album is "awesome". I think that is how he put it when I asked him Saturday night.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
I gotta say the new album is much better than the past 2 or 3. I'm really liking "Suicide & Redemption". This is old school Metallica!!! I think it's a great album!!
JR, I'm really on the fence about "The Day That Never Comes" going into the playlist. For me it's not too loud, but for some that listen without headphones at work, it might not be such a good idea. It's pretty "mellow" until the last 2 minutes of the song....then it's like thrashing metal, Metallica style. Better put this one up to a vote for the other Metallica people, see what they think.