This was the the fun topic that was going around the Large Screen Video Display crew after 10-12 hours at the track this weekend.
There is a comedian that does this in his act. However, I don't remember who he is so....sorry Mr. Comedian that I can't give you proper credit.
Anyway, he time you are about to get sucked into road rage look around at the cars and put the word "anal" in front of the car name and in just a few cars you'll be laughing and looking for new combinations.
Now I'll get this party started with my favorite. Dodge made a car called the Avenger.
Thus......Anal Avenger!!!!!!
A new super-hero is born!!!!
I'm sure you'll find the SUV's are very entertaining and looking at car names of the past can be fun too.
So enjoy the game and smile next time you see an AMC Gremlin!!!!!