I completely forgot about this when we were talking about ghost happenings. My sister actually had these guys come out and investigate her old house. They came twice and would have came more if it weren't for them stopping them. (My ex-brother-in-law was in denial and didn't want them there. The investigation also put the house in an uproar. At one point my sister got locked in her bedroom alone. I think lights were flashing and doors were opening and closing. She finally yelled that she would not have then back again and it all stopped and the door opened.) There was a lot of activity and they did get footage but they have updated their site and everything is under construction. I was hoping to be able to post the story. It seemed that the house was a meeting place for ghosts. Some remained here but others would come and go. I lived there at one point but I don't recall any incidents. Many people didn't like the basement and I normally don't but that was where my bedroom was and it never bothered me. The attic on the other hand was creepy. She found out that one of the ghosts is our great, great grandmother. But there are many. She kept the investigation from the younger kids but when it came out they all came forward with their own stories- one included the shaking of their bed. The reason this came up is because my sis got an email from them yesterday out of the blue. She thinks they want to recruit her. I don't think she would do it.
Anyways here is their MySpace page which also has a link to their regular site.
Oh and now that they have moved, she says that she can't drive past that house alone. She says that the house is mad. My niece and my mother both said the same thing. They told me I needed to do it. I told them I doubt I would get anything from it since I removed myself from that house a long time ago.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Interesting. I think I would do the ghost chaser thing at least as a part time gig. It would be pretty cool. Then again, the ghostly encounters I've had have all been positive for me.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Thanks for the groups link, I'll check out their site today.
not intentionally- lol
just a bad memory. Their site isn't much at the moment. But I figured I'd share. The old site had the story of the house but now that they have switched sites I don't see much of anything on it at the moment.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
I'm sure there are lots of stories from that house. A lot of it didn't get shared because her ex didn't believe. he even denies stuff that happened in my Mom's house when we all lived there and we know it happened!
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"