Why are they always so skeptical about the things people report during a N.D.E.? I was pronounced dead back when I was 9 years old during a tonsilectomy went bad. The doctor cut too deep on both sides and knicked the arteries; I bled out. I know everything that happened to me during the time they were trying to revive me..........I was looking down on the chaos that was going on in the operating room and saw and heard everything they did. Wish they'd contact me to be involved with this study.
Near-death experiences: What really happens?
Scientists studying the brain, consciousness of people on the verge of dying
By LiveScience staff
updated 1:02 p.m. ET,Fri., Sept. 12, 2008
Many reports of near-death experiences sound the same: a welcoming white light and a replay of memories. But now scientists aim to study what really happens to the brain and consciousness when someone is on the verge of dying.
In a new study called AWARE (AWAreness during REsuscitation), doctors will examine patients in hospitals in Europe and North America who reach a state called cardiac arrest.
"Contrary to popular perception, death is not a specific moment," said leader of the study Dr. Sam Parnia of the University of Southampton in the U.K. "It is a process that begins when the heart stops beating, the lungs stop working and the brain ceases functioning a medical condition termed cardiac arrest, which from a biological viewpoint is synonymous with clinical death."
Science has long struggled to define death, and to determine when the precise moment of death occurs. Now though, most doctors consider death more of a process than an event. A person is thought to have died when he stops breathing, his heart stops beating, and his brain activity ceases.
"During a cardiac arrest, all three criteria of death are present," Parnia said. "There then follows a period of time, which may last from a few seconds to an hour or more, in which emergency medical efforts may succeed in restarting the heart and reversing the dying process. What people experience during this period of cardiac arrest provides a unique window of understanding into what we are all likely to experience during the dying process."
Previous research suggests about 10 to 20 percent of people who live through cardiac arrest report lucid, well-structured thought processes, reasoning, memories and sometimes detailed recall of events during their encounter with death.
One study found that people who reported peaceful feelings, bright light and out-of-body experiences during a brush with death are more likely to have had difficulty separating sleep from wakefulness in their everyday lives. Both before and after their near-death experiences, these people often have symptoms of the rapid-eye movement (REM) state of sleep while awake.
The AWARE researchers want to find out what happens to the brain when a person's body has started to shut down, whether it is possible for people to see and hear during cardiac arrest, and what's going on during out of body experiences.
The launch of the AWARE study was announced at an international symposium at the United Nations Sept. 11.
I've always been a believer in the near death experience. I've heard and read some amazing stories of what people claim to have experienced.
What kills me is when I've heard scientists try to explain away the possibility of a creator and an afterlife by suggesting that chemicals in the brain create this near death experience to ease the transition to death.
Well, assuming thats true, that doesn't answer the why. You can do all the testing you want and prove specifically what occurs in the brain to lead these people to have their experience, but you'll never explain why or how our brains were designed to do that.
It's hard for me to believe that by mere happenstance our brains evolved to create this mass illusion when we're on our death beds.
JR, I know that my experience was the beginning of it all. I don't like to publicly admit that I'm psychic, but I have been ever since my brush with death. It began a few months after my surgery. It comes and goes....not a steady thing, but when it happens, I'm spot on. And I do think that I am a gateway. It used to scare me until I started learning more about it.
I've done so much reading on N.D.E.'s, psychic abilities, and being a gateway to the spiritual realm, that I am a steadfast firm believer that N.D.E.'s open you up to all kinds of things that other people don't experience.
Yeah, I'd probably be right about 80 to 90% of the time too. It's really weird when it happens, and it hits me like a ton of bricks.
I have all kinds of strange things happen to me. I have problems wearing a watch.....they gain time very fast when I wear one. Some people say it's because I have too much "energy" in my body. Sometimes those automatic doors won't open for me, yet they open for other people.....I've had to have my kids go through the door first just so I can get into a store. Sometimes I drain the batteries in cameras, mp3 players, etc. when I'm holding them. When I become emotionally close to someone, I can experience and feel things that they are experiencing. I can read people's emotional state like a book....I see their emotions in colors. There's a long list of things that would just blow your mind if I told you about them.
Yeah, there are most definitely a lot of scammers out there! They make me laugh because they're so easy for me to spot, and some of the stuff they come up with just boggles my mind. If you are a true psychic, you don't need any information from anyone.....you can tell them what you see or feel without any prompting of any kind. The person you're "reading" can then confirm or deny if it's true.
It is Mema. They are only beginning to scratch the surface of it's capabilities.
A very dear friend of mine and I were so psychic-ly connected we could sometimes visit each other simply through our minds. We lived thousands of miles away from each other, yet were actually there, with each other. First time that happened, I thought I'd lost my marbles!!!
I've always kind of though "yeah, right" on those things, but I've never personally known anyone who seriously had those things happen to them. Actually knowing I could trust the person (like you) to be telling the truth, I would be fascinated by it all too.
Web, sometimes I feel like a freak show, ya know?? It's not something I talk about openly with a lot of people simply because I've had some bad experiences with some people. I've learned over the years to keep my mouth shut and just let things pass through me with no need to inform the other person of what I see or feel coming from them, especially if they haven't asked me to.
The people I find really fascinating are the people who are telekenetic. A lot of those people have also had a N.D.E.
It freaked my mom out when I was younger. She took me to a long line of doctors, thinking there was something medically wrong with me, and I went through so dang many tests I grew to hate doctors when I was a kid. Eventually the pastor of our church talked to my mom, shared what he thought was "wrong" with me, and gave her some books to read. She was blown away.
Ghost, would you consider this ability to be something that has improved your life or made it harder?
Is it something you enjoy?
It seems like a fascinating ability to someone who doesnt live with it. But I would think in some ways it is a blessing and other ways cery challenging to deal with.
Some people would tell you that your near-death experience is why you were tuned in enough to experience that poltergiest later in life.
i was gonna say that but I wasn't here. I wasn't gonna post what my niece said the other day but since Ghost put herself out there I will. We were discussing how many members of our family seem to be in tune with spirits. I'm sure there would be many more but I assume some don't talk about it. I said that I wondered what was in our past that would pass this down the line. Now don't get all weirded and think that we are nuts but she said that she believes that our family has natural witches. She was being serious and she does study Wicca. She made a comment about believing that we could do things meaning if me, her mom and her got together. (She didn't mean all the Hollywood stuff) Now even as serious as she was being and I didn't think she was completely full of crap, I couldn't help but say "The Power Of Three" (from Charmed) out loud and started laughing. What was even more funny was that my sister said that she had that phrase in her head but I was the one that said it. Now know that we don't believe that witches are what they are normally portrayed to be. They are not evil and they have nothing to do with Satan. I'm not sure if that is what it is for our family but I believe there must be a reason to be so open to stuff. None of us have had N.D.E. or anything traumatic. Now my brother-in-law was severely burned when he was a kid and he seems to just know stuff. Maybe like Ghost.
Ok I'll go sit in the crazy corner with Ghost. At least I'm not alone
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Hey Ghost, do you dream in color too? I've heard that most people don't dream in color, but for me, often the color of something has significant meaning in a dream. But I'm also slightly synesthesic. (Synesthesia is where you mix senses. For example, the letter P is always blue, or this song tastes like grapes.) I don't usually associate colors with letters (thank goodness, that would make my job hard), but I associate things with personalities or emotions. It's hard to explain.
I also often feel like there's something there, just out of reach. That's why I'm obsessed with dreams. I think if I worked at lucid dreaming, I might be able to see something. Not necessarily the future, but maybe something that was happening at the present moment. But that also scares me a little, so I've kind of avoided it.
Mz... Really? Most people dream in black and white? I don't always remember my dreams, but the ones that I do are always in color. I think it would freak me out if my dreams weren't in color.
Given that I believe in ghosts and that sort of thing, it seems entirely probable to me that people having psychic powers would be reasonable. I think lots of people probably experience such things on a limited scale. Just like with anything else, some people are better at it than others, particularly those who recognize it for what it is and work at making it a part of their normal life.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
That is really interesting. I think it we be cool to learn that aspect. I like to listen and learn new things. I never knew there was so much out there. Count me in for listening.
I have also heard that most people don't dream in color. Some people never really realize whether they do or don't dream in color. I know I do.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Mz, yeah I do dream in the color.......and I associate different things with color. A lot of people think red is the mean, angry color but actually it's black. A black aura is pretty bad and if I dream in mostly black or gray it's a warning to me that something nasty is headed in my direction. Red is normal, kind of exciting. Purple is really calm and serene. Blue is tranquility. Orange is hot, bordering on anger. Green is mellow. Yellow is neutral. At least to me this is how colors come across.
Dylan, I've learned to look at it as a gift I was given. It can be challenging at times, and sometimes I wonder "why me." I don't consider myself special in any way. Has it improved my life?? Not that I've really noticed. It's not something that I can use for personal gain in any way, or if I can, I don't know how. Do I enjoy it? Sometimes, sometimes not. It all depends on what's coming through to me.
Woo, you don't have to explain to me what you mean about witches. They are not the evil beings portrayed on tv. Most witches give off a white light that I can "see". I know for a fact that if I met you in person, you would have that light around you....I've had that impression of you long before your post. Hope that doesn't creep you out. You need to let that light shine girl!!!! I think you know what I mean. You can come sit in the corner with me anytime!!