It's going ok, same as usual. I'm just feeling a little perturbed at what's taking place in our country right now. If someone could overhear my thoughts tonight, I'd be arrested under the Patriot Act.
It's going ok, same as usual. I'm just feeling a little perturbed at what's taking place in our country right now. If someone could overhear my thoughts tonight, I'd be arrested under the Patriot Act.
Awww. See, it's times like this I wish I'd have become an NSA or CIA agent so I could take you in
So how 'bout you?? Just about all packed up and ready to make the trip back home? Getting excited about the move??
I'm really torn Ghost.
Everything is sold. I'm sleeping on an air mattress the last few days. Not taking much home other than a TV and clothes.
I am excited to get home, but I'm really gonna miss this place too. Plus, I really do feel badly about how things went with Jenn & I. There's a lot of disappointment on my part for how it all wound up. I guess the reality of it all is setting in a bit now that I'm on the brink of moving back to WI.
Hopefully though there are great things ahead for me.
Come get me! You'd hear an earful the entire time I was in your custody. You'd get so sick of it, you'd turn me loose just so it'd be quiet in your jail!
Everything is sold. I'm sleeping on an air mattress the last few days. Not taking much home other than a TV and clothes.
I am excited to get home, but I'm really gonna miss this place too. Plus, I really do feel badly about how things went with Jenn & I. There's a lot of disappointment on my part for how it all wound up. I guess the reality of it all is setting in a bit now that I'm on the brink of moving back to WI.
Hopefully though there are great things ahead for me.
Yeah, I kinda figured you'd have mixed feelings, and I do know how truly disappointed you are.
There are great things ahead for you. I'm a steadfast believer in everything happens for a reason, no matter if we know the reason at the time or not. Just when it seems as if all doors are closed to us, another one opens, offering another road or "journey" to take. Life is about those journeys, my friend, not necessarily the destination of where we think those journeys will end up at.
It's funny though, it's as if in my mind I imagine a fork in the road from three months ago, and I keep imaging what things might be like had life taken me down the other road. I'm sure that will pass with time, but right now it's what keeps me feeling a little sad.
It's funny though, it's as if in my mind I imagine a fork in the road from three months ago, and I keep imaging what things might be like had life taken me down the other road. I'm sure that will pass with time, but right now it's what keeps me feeling a little sad.
We all wonder that big "what if" I had gone the other direction. I had an opportunity late last year to go down a different road than the one I'm on right now, and I turned away from it. Hardest decision I've ever made in my life, and it was the hardest thing I've ever done. I still wonder sometimes what if I had taken that opportunity.......what would have happened, where would I be, would I be happier? Unfortunately, I'll never know because that opportunity can never present itself to me again. Sometimes I think I should have pursued it, other times I know what it would have cost me if I had. But knowing that opportunity was there keeps me from totally regretting the choice I made.
Well, it's good you don't regret it G. I try to live my life without regrets and for the most part I don't.
I agree with what you said earlier that life is more about the journey than the destination (or something to that effect) and I'm glad I made this move. A LOT of good things came out of it. It's just that none of them were the original purpose for the move.
I know there will be good days ahead, and in the meantime I've learned a lot about myself, a lot about other people and a lot about life in general. Those are all good things right?
If ya wanna be NSA you gotta be the type who's willing to trample all over a persons civil rights.
My favorite character on NBC's CHUCK is the NSA agent John Casey. He just loves to shoot people
Trample all over a person's civil rights huh? Well, what do ya think the Patriot Act does??? That would be enough punishment for me. You wouldn't need to shoot me to achieve what you wanted to achieve.
Jeez, you really play hardball, huh?? Gonna have a mean azz sidekick that shoots first, asks questions later.
Well, it's good you don't regret it G. I try to live my life without regrets and for the most part I don't.
I agree with what you said earlier that life is more about the journey than the destination (or something to that effect) and I'm glad I made this move. A LOT of good things came out of it. It's just that none of them were the original purpose for the move.
I know there will be good days ahead, and in the meantime I've learned a lot about myself, a lot about other people and a lot about life in general. Those are all good things right?
Those are the very core reasons for journeys! Good things indeed!!
Oh, you and I could have a good sit down over the Patriot act.
It's got it's questionable parts, but over all I endorse it. If anything I think we just need to make sure it's enforced properly.
SERIOUSLY GHOST, at some point we GOTTA be able to have a sit down political discussion. I"d LOVE it. I'm already starting to store up my facts to aid my debate
Yeah, I'm actually not in favor of civil rights for potential terrorists. I prefer the way it was 50 years ago when what happened in the military wasn't known to the general public. I say get the information by any means necessary if you are certain the person you've got in custody has the information and it can keep harm from coming to the innocent public.
I don't worry about wire tapping, watching what books I check out, etc. Let the government watch me, I'm not hiding anything and if I check out a book on how to make a pipe bomb maybe it's a good thing they know about it.
In an ever changing world where people want to kill us simply because we're American I believe we have to be willing to accept certain concessions.
Uh oh, you're storing up facts for your side of the debate, huh? Bring 'em on!!
But see, the Patriot Act also means that any of us as US citizens could be imprisoned, without formally being charged of a crime, and held for an undefined length of time. Wire, no thanks!! If you wanna hear what I'm saying, go the proper route, get a search warrant that shows probable cause of why you want to tap my phone. Allowing the government to look at what books I'm checking out of the library.....again, a big NO, not without a warrant!! If by some chance I'm interested in how a bomb is made, I should be able to check out any number of books that tell me how all kinds of bombs are doesn't mean I'm going to go out and build one, and then use it.
And going back 50 years ago, when things were done in secret without the public knowing about it..........ERRRRRRRR, no way Jose!! The CIA did that for years, bumping off whoever they wanted, whenever they wanted. Did I wanna know if Iraq had WMD?? You betcha!!! Did I wanna know who gave out this false information?? Oh yeah!!!
See, I told ya, I'd be better in the NSA. I like those government agencies that operate under the radar.
I think the argument against the Patriot act is mostly paranoia. Truth is, the government doesn't give a crap what Jeremy Riggs is reading at the library or what stupid stuff he's saying to his friend on the phone. The odds that Jeremy Riggs will be pulled from his home and held on terrorism suspicions is probably a millionth of a percent.
Unless I've been set up I may be inconvenienced but I'd never be in any real danger. I'm willing as an American to accept this minimal risk to avoid another 4,000 people dying in a terrorist attack.
We had a laptop with all the plans for 9/11 in an FBI property room for A YEAR. We couldn't look at it. If the Patriot Act were in effect in 2000 we wouldn't be involved in the war on terror right now and 4,000 American families wouldn't be greiving the loss of innocent family members.
Of course, no one would receive any credit for preventing it either. That's the problem, the good that comes from this stuff is never able to be proven, so it's importance is marginalized.
So you still believe this is a war on terror, huh? Hasn't been, never was. But that's another debate on it's own.
I don't believe the Patriot Act is paranoia. This, to me, says the government can do any damn thing it likes or wants. It can pass any law it so desires. Right now, Jeremy Riggs isn't breaking any law, but, and this is a big but, someday you could be doing so. All these little laws that are coming in under Patriot Act and/or Homeland Security Act.....I'm sorry, but a lot of those are unconstitutional....and the more laws they put in under these acts, the more chance there is that pretty soon we're breaking a law that used to be some fundamental right we have right now!! Right now, you and I aren't breaking any laws, but don't think sometime down the road the same thing can be said. So many of these "laws" that came in under the Patriot Act and Homeland Security Act are being peddaled to us as being for our own good against terrorists/terrorism. I'm sorry, but to my thinking, our government has become the greatest terrorist to the American people.
If they allow visitors I'll come see you. I might even tell em' I don't think you're a terrorist. Then again, if I'm in a bad mood I might tell them to make sure they do a full cavity search
That is red, right?? I look pretty good in red. If it's orange, I better make sure I head down south first to get a good tan going. Oh wait, I'll be at Gitmo; I'm sure I can tan in between the bars on my window. Heck if I'm lucky, I might even get 10 or 15 minutes out in the sunshine every now and then.