We've talked about this before, but I don't recall how you all handled it and I had another question.
First, do you usually do a bzz report for YOUR opinion on the product your trying? They don't offer that as an option, but I assume they want our opinion as well right?
Second, how much to you buzz? A lot? Should I be buzzing for every person I tell about the stuff, even if they have a negative reaction? I could fill out 12 buzz reports or more per campaign, but don't know if that would be over doing it.
First of all, I've only received one invitation to a campaign and that was for Promise SuperShots. I've been trying to pass out the free coupons to people I know, but no one was interested in trying out the product. I finally found a person that would, so I gave her all the coupons.
I would think they'd want to hear all the responses you get, good or bad. To me, that's the reason why they want us to bzzzz about them......gives them an idea of how well the product is going over with the general population. I also think the more you bzzz about a product, the more campaigns you'd be invited to, so I'd fire off all 12 reports per campaign.
I'm in the supershots now. It's primarily gotten negative feedback.
People are saying they don't believe that stuff is going to help that much, and $1 a shot is too expensive.
I got my eight free ones, and they're tasty enough. I like that they add potassium to my diet. But there's no way I'll pay $4.00 for a 4 pack to have one every day.
Yeah, I got a free one for myself too. I thought they were ok, but expensive to buy without a coupon. I can get my daily potassium from bananas, and save some money along the way.
yes I usually do a report about my reaction. I only bzz when I feel comfortable doing so. Some products are easier than others. I maybe range 2-3 reports per product. Of course they always welcome more. I don't go overboard. And yes they want the negative feedback as well.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"