I'm at work, so I'm not taking the time to watch all 10 minutes right now. But anyone care to give me a rundown? Do they interview more than that one guy? Or is this a satirical piece? I've seen the argument that Obama's not a natural born citizen, and I've seen it debunked.
I've also seen similar claims that McCain is also not a natural born citizen because he was born in Panama at a time when it was not a US Territory.
Its all of just that one guy who is supposedly the lawyer that filed the suit.
I dunno if the suit has any validity or not.
What I'm thinking is that if the suit is valid, this is not good for Obama. If the suit is not valid, why doesn't Obama just provide the documents they want and avoid the negative press?
Mz, it's an interesting video but I suggest taking it with a grain of salt. The segment is purely commentary by Berg, who is affilitated behind one of the sponsoring entities for the video itself. The second sponsoring website named is not a credible source either, but instead a highly inflamatory commentary. While I think it's good to seek knowledge, I also think it is wise to assess credibility of sources for yourself.
-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
I also got the impression (although I haven't hunted down anything saying this for sure) that his birth certificate is available and currently being held at the campaign offices in Chicago. Is the guy's issue that they won't bring the certificate to PA? (I'm sure a notarized copy that most people would use for sending their birth certificate anywhere wouldn't work in this case, since he claims it's forged to begin with.)
Ggal, trust me, I take it with more than a grain of salt. The only reason I even care about it is that Web is interested in it.
I can't see the video since my Flash player isn't up to date. BUt my question is this - Don't you think, or doesn't someone verify a candidate's eligibility? What party would allow someone to run in the primary, or better yet, extend the nomination to a potential candidate without knowing if they meet the requirements? Seems silly.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
I also got the impression (although I haven't hunted down anything saying this for sure) that his birth certificate is available and currently being held at the campaign offices in Chicago. Is the guy's issue that they won't bring the certificate to PA? (I'm sure a notarized copy that most people would use for sending their birth certificate anywhere wouldn't work in this case, since he claims it's forged to begin with.)
Ggal, trust me, I take it with more than a grain of salt. The only reason I even care about it is that Web is interested in it.
Berg aludes that Obama's ties to FactCheck may be a means to mask a forged birth certificate. He is pressing for other verification that he is a natural born citizen (that the birth certificate is authentic) and comparing Obama to McCain. His claim is, when McCain's citizenship came into question, McCain produced documentation quickly, so why doesn't Obama?
-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"