Feeling a little better today. I believe I'm going to try to go to work. It's rainy and cool here again.. Fall is finally settling in. More later when I'm more awake.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Well I'm here at work. Them bastages postponed my father-in-law's heart surgery! They said too many traumas! They tried to reschedule it for Monday the 20th but Mom said that was a BIG NO! That is the anniversary of Grandma's murder to the day! So now we don't know when it's gonna be and it is screwing up all our plans. We have been trying to figure out when to get the car fixed and arranging other things. This will now probably put his surgery right at our anniversary and if it doesn't then it it getting pretty close to hubby's hunting vacation. Oh and they made him stop taking his meds 5 days prior. Now he doesn't know what to do about that!! They had already got a hotel room and were there. Luckily the hotel must be used to it and gave them a refund.
This is all crazy and just crap! I understand things getting a bit hectic at a hospital but why is it 5 days later in the first place? Why not the next day? I didn't think they would pull that kind of crap when they are screwing with meds.
Oh and we were about taken out by this crazy driver on the way into work.
Yeah I'm in a mood.
-- Edited by Woo Hoo at 07:43, 2008-10-15
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
I was almost in a car accident yesterday too. I missed the guy by under a foot. He was stopped at a cross-street stop sign and must have assumed it was a four way stop (which it wasn't) because when I was about 20 feet from the intersection he decided to go.
I slammed on the brakes, left some nice long skid marks and misses his car by inches.
morning y'all! tulsa metro is dark, dreary and rainy... gas prices have been holding at $2.65 for the past few days -- i paid $2.58 in OKC on my weekend visit to see my daughter.
THE MAN's door is closed this morning. That's not usually a good sign...
Glad to see you pop in Ultimo!
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)