GRAND PRIZE: One (1) Grand Prize: One (1) Nintendo Wii Game System, One (1) Wii Rock Band 2 video game, and $5,000 cash. Approximate retail value ("ARV"): $5,490.00.
SECOND PRIZES: Nine (9) Second Prizes: One (1) Wii Rock Band 2 video game. ARV: $190.00
THIRD PRIZES: Ten (10) Third Prizes: One (1) Rock Band 1 video game, and One (1) Glade® Gift Pack. Glade® Gift Pack includes: Scrubbing Bubbles® Action Scrubber®; Scrubbing Bubbles® Wipes; Shout® Advanced Action Spray; Windex® Original Formula Spray; Pledge® Multi-Surface Spray; ZiplocTM brand Vacuum Seal Starter Kit; Ziploc® brand Zip 'n Steam® Bags; Ziploc® brand Quart and Gallon Storage Bags; Ziploc® brand Big Bags; Glade® 4-Ounce Candles (Apple Cinnamon, French Vanilla, and Clean LinenTM scent); Glade® Air Infusions® Aerosol Spray; Glade® Scented Oil Candle Kit; Glade® Scented Oil Candle Refill; Glade® Plug-In® Scented Oil; Glade® Plug-In® Scented Oil Refill; Glade® Glass Scents®. ARV: $230.00 each.