He has not been acting like himself. He has pretty much been an ass. It is normal for him to be ornery when he doesn't feel well but it has been extreme. My husband told his mom that she needs to mention that because what if there is a bloodclot or something.
I just got a call that mom had to stay up at the hospital all night and try to keep him calm. He isn't remembering what happened. He thinks they both had heart surgery and is mad because she can walk around. He keeps trying to get out of bed. The doctors are telling her that this is normal in older patients. My husband is ticked off because she did not call last night. She is supposed to update us in an hour. My husband said that if she hasn't calmed down and things aren't better than he is leaving work and going there. I left it to him whether he wants me to go. Her hotel room only has 1 bed but they can get a cot so I guess I would have to sleep on the floor.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Y'all should ask any questions you have, no matter. As I recall with my mother's heart surgery ten years ago, she didn't have a reaction to the meds, but she did, and to this day still, has trouble with her short term memory and her concentratin is not what it used to be...
Hope things smoothe out ...
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
thanks. Mom was just thinking it was normal early on until my husband brought up his concerns. But then she didn't call us when it escalated because there wasn't anything we could do. Well it isn't about that! It's just so frustrating and upsetting.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
I just called my husband because I didn't get a callback. Mom sounds better and she says that Dad is doing a bit better. He will probably stay in the surgical area another day though. He was supposed to move to a regular room today. He still has to have a sitter with him so that he doesn't try to get up. Mom sometimes tries to protect us so we are not sure if she is being truthful but she sounded better herself. So as of now we are staying at work.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
When my dad had open heart surgery, he wasn't acting like himself either afterward. He had trouble with short-term memory loss, was confused and thought he hadn't had his surgery yet, and was just plain ugly in temperment. We don't know if it was from the pain meds they were giving him or the anesthetic but eventually he returned to his normal self. He was 58 when he had his heart surgery so I don't think it necessarily happens just to people that are older.
He has had more than one surgery and never has acted like this which is why we are concerned. He had heart surgery 16 yrs ago and wasn't like this. But hopefully it will pass like Ghost said. He is having memory issues too. He couldn't remember how long they have been married but he knew the date. And he has repetitive questions and major impatience.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Well we are at the hospital for the weekend. We might have to stay here if they can't get a sitter. If they don't have anyone with him they will tie him down and Mom won't allow that. The computer here is actually working. Last time it didn't. Tomorrow Mom said that I could bring her laptop.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
They couldn't get a sitter so they will have to shifts. Man I hope he is better tomorrow. They say part of the problem is that he isn't sleeping. Ativan is only working for maybe 5 min and then he is back at trying to rip the tubes and stuff out.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"