We were all able to sleep at the hotel last night. Dad is calm with his medicine and the breathing tube. Today they are weening him off the tube but they want other medicine in him to keep him calm when it is time to do it. No telling when that is gonna happen. We can't really be in the room right now because it appears that the "real" him is back and he starts to cry because he wants the tube taken out. He then gets all worked up and quits breathing right. They have assured us that his heart is fine but we may be dealing with pneumonia now. I have a feeling we will be here all day. But ti sounds like we will be able to go home and go to work as usual.
Have a good Sunday. I think I need another weekend to recover from my weekend.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Woo, I'm glad to hear he's getting back to his usual self at least.
I'm sitting at Starbucks to write for a while. I'm hoping to get to 10,000 words today, then I'll be 1/5 of the way done in 2 days. I'm thinking about taking a vacation day or just an afternoon off of work sometime this month just to write as well.
Starbucks is only a block of the way from my house, so I walked here. But, not only did I not wear a jacket, I'm wearing a t-shirt! I'm one of those people who is always cold, and I'm wearing short sleeves to walk around outside in November! It's 'only' 65 now, it's supposed to get up to 75 today. In November! I LOVE IT!
Hi a pleasant but cool day here today. I waved Mark off to work at 12 and then stayed outside to tidy the front garden up a little. I gave myself a fright though...I was dragging some dead leaves out from between the Lavender plant and the wall and dragged a poor slumbering toad out too. He or she must have been trying to hibernate. Once I recovered I took a photo or two:
Hi all! Today was a play day for me since I got all my household chores done yesterday. I spent the day playing video games and wasting time on Facebook. The girls and I had a great weekend while their dad was gone. We had dinner out every night, stayed up late watching movies and talking....it was nice to have "girl time" with them.
Thanks Ghost! Actually, they're having problems updating the widgets. I really have over 8,300 words. I was hoping to get 10,000 by the end of the weekend, but I'm still ahead of the game.
Too much for me to finish. I'm getting sort of sleepy now which is good. With the all over the clock work hours these last couple weeks, I'm having issues getting to sleep before 1AM. Maybe tonight I will get to sleep at a decent hour and wake up feeling right early in the morning.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.