Anyone want to help me write this? I need some help and ideas.
First, Sparky will probably know this best, what time does the stock market close? My main character's husband is a stock broker. Tips for making him more realistic would be good.
Second, I need ideas. The neighbor's dog is attracted to something in another neighbor's garage. The garage is owned by a grumpy middle aged lady. And it can't be a cat. What could I put in the garage that would make a dog so attracted to it? (No dead bodies, please, it's too early in the book for that.)
I thought about that, but every garage on the street would have a garbage can. What would make this dog like this particular one over the others. It's definitely not because it's easy to get to, my main character has to break into the garage to get the dog out.
Could be that she doesn't take her trash out as often as everyone else so it smells a lot stronger. Could be that she throws away a lot of food scraps, maybe she grills a lot of bone in meat and always has bones in the trash. Maybe taxidermy is her hobby.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Hm, I don't think that's not obvious enough. I'm looking for something that would be obvious about her garage as to why the dog would want to get in there.
Hm, taxidermy is a weird hobby to have, and I'm trying to make this lady seem more like a busybody than a recluse.
I've got it! It will be a cat after all! She's already threatened to kill the dog. What if she's a bird watcher, and she killed a cat that always stalked the birds in her yard? Then she disposed of the dead cat in her garage!
The stock market closes at 4pm - East Coast time that is. Although there is some after hours trading on the NASDAQ. I am not sure how long that lasts, but I can't imagine more then 30 minutes.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
They have in the past! When I had the desktop computer, Jack liked to sleep on the monitor and hang his tail down in front. Now that I have the laptop, both of the cats like to walk over the keyboard while I'm typing.
The middle age lady has her husband locked in the garage.
Oh, good idea. But I think that would detract from the main storyline too much. And I think it fits better if the lady is either a spinster or a widow.
Now I'm getting into a conundrum that I'm making this lady too mean. I need to humanize her somehow. But, I have another chapter to go before the scene shifts to back home, so I've got plenty of time to figure that out.
I had a feeling. Alright, tell me where you are and I will come over and let you out. But it will be a while, I am sure that it is at least a six hour flight to CA. Then I have to pick up the rental care. And, can I carry alcohol on the plane? If not, the I am going to need to know where the closest liquor store is located. Gee, this could really be an all night thing.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
KEEP IN MIND, this is only a rough draft, and I'm not sure if I'm a very good writer to start with. There will be grammatical errors and plot holes. They will be fixed eventually.