I'm not sure what the day will bring. I'm really just trying to get through the day so I can go to the library to write tonight after work. I didn't get a bit of writing done the past 3 days (as I expected), so now I'm worried about getting behind. I'll be good if I can get 2000 words, but 3000 would really be rockin'.
Well my husband wanted to get to work early and then he forgot his work keys so we couldn't get in until someone else got here. I hope that is not an omen for my day
Father-in-law did not get to move to a regular floor but is breathing on his own. His blood pressure is now too low so they are trying to get it up. The nurses think they pumped too many fluids so they are working to fix that problem. Mentally he is a looney lou. He has been comic relief as he is still on morphine and is seeing things and talking strangely. One example- he thinks we were all vacationing in Antarctica and brought him back to this hospital to have surgery. He doesn't understand why we would want to vacation some place cold anyway. lol Yesterday he had more clarity but still reverted to weirdness. I hope he is better today.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Oh I forgot! We had bowling last night and I was the star We bowl three games and I had a 500 series! I don't know what was wrong with me but I was on fire! I also picked up a split which I have never done before. We won 2 of our 3 games. My husband played like I would normally so that was weird. He is normally our best player. I didn't notice but I guess the guy on the other team was getting pissed. The girls were cool though.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"