A court in Crystal City, Texas, awarded the families of two 19 year old girls that were killed in an accident when their Ford rolled over and they were ejected because they weren't wearing their seatbelts 31 Million dollars from Ford Motor Company because the glass in their vehicle wasn't thick enough to keep them from being ejected.
Does anyone else see anything wrong with this?
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them you will be a mile away and have their shoes.
That is absurd. Just like the coffee and McDonalds lady. Duh, what happens when you put hot coffee between your legs and spill?
I once managed a water park. I had one law suit against the park and me as an individual. This woman sued because her daughter got pregnant. The daughter told mom that it must have been when she was at the water park and swimming in the Wave Pool. We actually ended up before a court--all I did was produce the chemical make up of the water with the avg. temp. Judge threw it out at that point. Mom still believes it was in the water.
We have one going on right now. A family is suing the city of LaCrosse because their 21 year old son drowned in the Mississippi river at like 3 AM after drinking all night. The kid had a blood alcohol level of .27 (legal limit is .08) and somehow it's the cities fault he stumbled into the river (which was several blocks from where he was drinking).
The family contends that because the city offered free bus rides that night to make sure people got home safe they were "condoning" excessive drinking.
People are either too stupid to take responsibility for their own actions or they want a nice big fat payout so they don't have to work another day.
I think one good way to put an end to this crap is to make the claimant pay ALL THE LEGAL FEES FOR BOTH SIDES if they lose, or if that's too extreme, atleast let the jury have an option of deciding if the lawsuit was frivolous and penalize the person who brought it.
Right now, these folks get approached by lawyers who say "YOU WERE WRONGED, Let us take the case, it won't cost you anything unless you win, then we get 40%"
The legal system in this country is a joke.
Class action lawsuits against major corporations, the lawyers get $150 million for their time and the 100,000 people they represent get a check for $7.50 each, or better yet, coupons to use at the store they just sued.
An absolute *&$(%&^ joke! Just thinking about it makes my blood boil.
I believe a lot of times these awards are reduced significantly by the judge or someone in the end. I think the McDonald's coffee award was reduced substantially if I remember right. I also suspect that we only hear about the most outlandish cases. My co-worker recently served on a jury hearing an accident case where the victim was suing. The jury saw through the lawyer's outlandish claims and ended up awarding the victim something like $10.
I agree that it's ridiculous what people sue over these days, but I'm also happy to live in a free country where I have the right to sue if I feel I was wronged.
Lawyers' fees, on the other hand, are quite another story. I remember reading about a billing method used by some lawyers where they bill the case for 24 hours a day of work or something ridiculous like that. I guess that's how they rake in the bucks....