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Post Info TOPIC: Top 10 Arguments That Can’t Be Won

The Good Witch Of The South


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Top 10 Arguments That Can’t Be Won

Thought this was interesting. I agree about most of them- can't be won, but I do not think people will ever stop trying!

Top 10 Arguments That Cant Be Won

Lists: All, History, Miscellaneous, Nature, Religion ; Written or Posted by: William O'Dell

Since the time of fire, man has had arguments rare or well done? Of course, arguments depend on your point of view, or in the case of husbands and wives, what the wife thinks. Some arguments are never-ending. Over the centuries, there have been some doozies that have kept philosophy students and teachers debating.

To be included on this list of Arguments That Cant Be Won, the argument must have no clear answer that cannot be countered with another opposing view.

Disclaimer: is in no way trying to lead you to think in one way or another. We are only trying to present the arguments in a meaningful context.

Evolution or Creation?


Theologists and scientists have been arguing this one for centuries as well. The argument goes back to the time when organized religion was almost as powerful as the monarchies ruling countries. When people starting postulating that the Earth was not the center of the universe, it gave way to the rise in questioning the idea of a seven-day creation and Gods role in creating the Earth. Enter Darwin and his Theory of Evolution and the debate truly kicks off with an unholy fevered pitch. Add in that there are many stories of creation across many different religions and your brain can really start to hurt.

Nature vs. Nurture

Does how you are raised affect your views as an adult more than what your genetic codes dictate? If your family has always been carpenters, are you destined to be a carpenter because of your genes or because of your familial upbringing? When identical twins are separated at birth and grow up to have identical tastes is that an argument that it has more to do with nature than nurture? However, is it nature to love spicy food, when thats all that your family and friends eat?

Gun control


Its not guns that kill people, its the bullets. In America, citizens have a right to bear arms, which has proven to be dangerous for many other citizens and police over the centuries since the countrys birth. On the other hand, large portions of the gun-toting population are careful citizens who have never crossed the law. Why should one groups rights to bear arms be stripped away because another group feels unsafe? Or why should they be allowed to bear those weapons of death among a land of peaceful citizens?


Dr. Kevorkian helped many people commit suicide due to their health conditions and their desires. His motives were questioned because all life is supposedly precious, but his patients wanted to move on from their frail existence. What if those patients didnt have a say and we had the opportunity to choose whether they live in agony or die in peace by not giving them medication or a procedure? What is the better option?

The Death Penalty

Centuries ago, the prevalent rule of thumb was an eye for an eye, or in some cases, a life for a life. So the question becomes have we advanced far enough in our social and political structures to ban the death penalty? Or when is the death penalty justifiable? Is the death penalty appropriate for an accidental homicide? How about for a mass murderer?

Abortion or Pro-life?


Does a woman have the right to control her body by ending a life inside her? When is a fetus truly alive? Is all life truly precious? What happens when a woman is raped and becomes pregnant is that life still precious? There may never be answers to these questions; however, the government has helped us out many times by entering its own opinion whether the pro-lifers like it or not.

Free will or Destiny?

The free will or destiny argument stems back to the Christian doctrine that God is omniscient and has seen everything that will happen. So if God can see everything that happens, is it free will or destiny that makes you choose to continue reading? Some have argued that God knows you will read this but you still have a choice. However, if the path is already apparent to one being, then the path has already been decided for you. However, that directly contradicts our everyday actions where we constantly make decisions is something, a destiny foreseen by God, guiding us or are we truly free of the strictures of destiny?

Morals Relative or Universal?


Like the question of gun control, whether ethics being morally relative or universal comes down to whether the good of the one outweighs the good of the many. If it is fine to sleep with another mans wife in one society but not in another, then the problem is that the morals are relative to the society or person. But why wouldnt it be universal that it is wrong to sleep with another mans wife or womans husband in any society? Why is it OK to speed, when it is breaking the law? Shouldnt breaking any law be just as wrong? If you would never steal a persons purse, why would you pirate a DVD?

The chicken or the egg?

Perhaps one of the most fun arguments on this list, the chicken or the egg debate has raged for centuries mainly because it asks the questions does the animal evolve and then reproduce or was it hatched? That debate can then be transferred to our own existence, which leads into the argument of Evolution or Creation.

Does God Exist?


Since the dawn of recorded time, there have been people trying to prove that there is a higher being or beings that have caused the worlds and its creation. Organized religion comes down to having faith that there is a higher being and a place to go after death. Most people, if not already deeply religious in their life, find religion and start believing as they near their twilight years because they want to believe there is somewhere to go and someone to be with. So the question is how do you prove that god, in which ever religion you believe, exists?


Bad Biker Granny

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Posts: 20960

Very true... if you have an opinion on any one of those, no one will ever talk you out of it.


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

Ghost In The Machine

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When my best friend was alive, he and I talked about many of these issues in great depth.  Not debated them, just talked from the gut.  We had many all night talk sessions about these very things. 

*I really, really miss those talks with him*  Sigh cry


Bad Biker Granny

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Posts: 20960

Those kind of talks are fun. I'd never tried to change anyone's opinion on those subjects. It's just interesting to learn how people come by the opinions they have.


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

Permanent Vacation

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Mad Mema wrote:

Very true... if you have an opinion on any one of those, no one will ever talk you out of it.

But a lot of people will try.





Bad Biker Granny

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Posts: 20960

Yeah, I've ended up in debates with people over some of those topics because they insisted on trying to change my positions. It just doesn't work. The funny thing is that many people think that you have to see things exactly as they do to get along with them. I feel sorry for those people.


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

Ghost In The Machine

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I don't really know where my opinions come from.....again, that nature vs nuture thing.  I know a lot of issues I feel very strongly about were not discussed in my house when I was growing up so I'm pretty sure I formed them all on my own by informing myself. 

That's what I love so much about talking with other people......learning what they feel strongly about, how they express it, their true thoughts on tough issues.  JR and I do a lot of debating between ourselves, and I love every minute of it!  It also helps when two people with opposing views can talk without alienating each other.  smile 


The Good Witch Of The South


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Posts: 19309

That is the key- respect and listen and maybe you will learn something. Some people could change their stance, if the approach is correct and not combative. I like it here where we can pretty much say whatever we want and not be worried about other's reactions. I like learning new ideas and ways of thinking. Like Ghost most of this stuff is learned not at home or school, but life.


Bad Biker Granny

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Posts: 20960

That is always the hope... discussion without argument. As I read the list, it occurs to me that I do have strong opinions on most of them and can tell you why I believe the way that I do.

The problem that comes up in talking with most people is that they assume your reasoning for believing what you do is some form of a criticism of them personally, even when it is not. I don't know why that is, but I've encountered it a lot. Same thing holds true with what we were talking about earlier in regard to being in difficult relationships and how your friends react to that. If you have never been in one of those relationships, it is easy to be judgemental of someone who is in one. Me... I judge no one for their choices in those deals. Come to think of it... that is another unwinable arguement.


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

The Good Witch Of The South


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Posts: 19309

Yeah I hate that too- people get mad and do not want to like you because of your opinion!

I thought of another one- women at work or stay at home


Bad Biker Granny

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It's amazing how people get. I remember Pambo throwing me into one of those arguments with one of the guys at work. I don't care for this guy anyway, so when he was going on talking to Pambo, I just kept quiet. He hit upon one of the items that he and Pambo feel differently than I happen to... so just to see what would happen, she drug me into it. Dude decided to try to debate me. I hit him back with real life examples, sociological arguments, and the Constitution of the United States of America. His rebuttal : That's just dumb. hmm.gifno.gif


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

The Good Witch Of The South


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Posts: 19309

bet it was hard not to tell him that he is the dumb one!

Agree to disagree!

I always liked in college when a professor could properly referee this type of talk. i had a government teacher that could bring up a point, let us all argue to a point and then take the class back over before too many feelings where hurt.


Bad Biker Granny

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Posts: 20960

Meh... I let it go. There is no point in trying to get into something as sophisticated as "you and I can amicably disagree on this point" with a guy who is sooooooo dumb he can't figure out what the little straw that comes with the can of WD40 is for. doh.gif Wish I was making that up, but I'm not!


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

The Good Witch Of The South


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Posts: 19309

looks like his ignorance is your sweet revenge, you'll get over his stupidy, he won't!


Bad Biker Granny

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Posts: 20960

Very true.... unfortunately, he still works in the group that Pambo supports. From what she tells me, he hasn't gotten any smarter. On the up side, he is worth a good laugh every now and again.


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

Ghost In The Machine

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Posts: 9401

Mad Mema wrote:

Meh... I let it go. There is no point in trying to get into something as sophisticated as "you and I can amicably disagree on this point" with a guy who is sooooooo dumb he can't figure out what the little straw that comes with the can of WD40 is for. doh.gif Wish I was making that up, but I'm not!

Did you show him how to put it on the can and then suggest where he put it???  biggrinbiggrin



Bad Biker Granny

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Posts: 20960

No... this rocket scientist would not have believed me if I told him because I'm a girl... and therefore I should be at home, bare footed and pregnant... not being his senior engineer. I just gave him the blankstare.gif and said "Oh WOW. I can't help you. I mean, I could... but WOW."

-- Edited by Mad Mema at 23:07, 2008-11-21


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

Ghost In The Machine

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Posts: 9401

laughing.gif  Even better comeback! clap.gifbiggrin

Don't those "at home, barefoot and pregnant" jerks just grind you??  I think of all the different types of men that out there, those guys are the absolute worst!! furious


Bad Biker Granny

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Posts: 20960

I can't believe anyone still thinks that way. It's like a half a step out of the cave. Sad fact is that it pretty much takes two incomes to keep your head above water anymore.


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

Ghost In The Machine

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Posts: 9401

Oh believe me, there are still some left!  I run into them from time to time.  One of my husband's best friends is of this mind set.  Whenever he comes to visit, I make sure I'm not home.  I have to cuz I think I'd deck him.  He's really, really bad.  I try to overlook it at as "my generation" type thing, but boy, I just can't!! 


Bad Biker Granny

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Posts: 20960

Come to think of it, at the time of the first conversation I referred to, I was already 2 job grades above him. In the mean time, I've been promoted 4 times to his 1.


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

Ghost In The Machine

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Posts: 9401

And I bet that just irritates him too when he thinks about it.  biggrin


Bad Biker Granny

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Posts: 20960

The best advice my mom ever gave me was "Don't ever count on a man to take care of you and your kids." I never had biological children because I never felt like I made enough money to take care of them like they would deserve. Had I left it to "the man" to support me, I would have been destitute and homeless years ago.


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

Ghost In The Machine

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Posts: 9401

I jumped off the fast track when my oldest girl was born.  I couldn't bear the thought of leaving her with a babysitter all day while I was at work.  I know a lot of women do it every day, but I couldn't.  I stayed at home, being a full-time mom until my youngest daughter entered pre-K, then I went to work part-time for our school district.  I needed a job with hours that would let me get the girls to school, pick them up when they got, and be home with them on snow days, Christmas and Easter break, and summer vacation.  Working in a school setting gave me that.  I don't make much money, certainly not enough to support myself and the girls, but it gets me out of the house and gives me a sense of self worth.  I hope to stay in the school for two more years, until my youngest girl graduates.  It's tough because I grown to dislike my job more and more (mainly it's my boss that I really dislike) but I know I won't find another job that enables me to still do these things for her.  She's old enough that she doesn't need someone at home with her during the day anymore, but I still like the idea of being here and spending that time with her. 


Bad Biker Granny

Status: Offline
Posts: 20960

Makes sense to me. You have children to consider. You are a good mom to take their vest interests to heart. Undoubtedly, you are better at raising your own children than someone else would be, even part time.

Momma didn't exactly walk her own talk, but I gather that is where her advice came from. She stayed with Donald until my brother and sister were out on their own because she didn't feel that her income was enough to support the four of us.

I guess that by time I recognized my relationship with the man for what it was, I was already supporting both of us. I was bound and determined to not raise a child in a situation where he or she would not feel loved by one parent. I lived that. It sucked. I wouldn't wish that on another human being, most especially my own child. I don't feel deprived on the motherhood thing though... I have my stepsons. They are the world to me. My only real regret in life was that I was not able to make their lives better right from the start. Their biological parents and stepdad did them very little good. I was very young (19) when I came into their lives... it took me a while to figure out motherhood.


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
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