I hardly ever listen, so I don't request much. Today I'm doing some stuff around the house and I have to admit I was purposely picking the songs I don't get to hear as often, but I was still surprised to see how many had never been picked before.
I was completely shocked to see Manfred Mann's THE MIGHTY QUINN hadn't been requested before. That's good music!
Well, Patty Smyth's SUE LEE, but that one didn't surprise me. LS & I are probably the only two who know it.
Pat Benatars LE BEL AGE which was a pretty big hit. Madonna's CAUSING A COMMOTION from the movie "Who's That Girl". Lisa Loebs breakout hit STAY, which I just saw in an episode of the Sarah Silverman show that I thought was pretty funny.
I forget the others, but they were all pretty decent hits.
More like "thrown under the short bus" special. You're not anywhere near unique enough to qualify to ride ON the bus; your permanent seat is UNDER it. Hope you like the view down there.