Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Hope you all have a safe and enjoyable holiday!!
I tried to get online last night but couldn't. My internet service has been really sporadic again so I called tech support. They told me I'm "low on power"; said I should be "reading at 35 but am only at 23".....whatever that means. So they're sending a guy out tomorrow any time between 8 and noon. Maybe this time they'll be able to resolve whatever the problem is; I sure hope so because I'm really getting tired of paying for a service that only works half the time.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Hope you all have a safe and enjoyable holiday!!
I tried to get online last night but couldn't. My internet service has been really sporadic again so I called tech support. They told me I'm "low on power"; said I should be "reading at 35 but am only at 23".....whatever that means. So they're sending a guy out tomorrow any time between 8 and noon. Maybe this time they'll be able to resolve whatever the problem is; I sure hope so because I'm really getting tired of paying for a service that only works half the time.
Ghost, I was given the same speil. They installed a signal amplifier in my basement to get the signal stronger, but I'm sorry to say it made no difference.
Eventually the problem just fixed itself.
I don't think even they have a clue why their service goes through those sporadic stretches of being unreliable
We're back home, and speaking of back, mine is killing me. There's a reason I usually put at least a day and a half between that drive there and back. I need to find something to put on the seat or something, this burning feeling down my spine can't be good.
But I am so glad we went up. Got to visit with my stepdad's side of the family, and found out that my aunt got a job, which is wonderful. And my grandma's been working, they've just had shortened days. So money's still tight, but at least it's not gone entirely.
And we got to see most of Brian's family. His one brother didn't show up, but we're not surprised, he hasn't been talking to anyone in the family lately. But we got to see our great nephew! He's 2, and full of spunk! His uncle, our nephew, was teaching him how to football tackle, and he got down and did the crouch, then yelled, "Go, go, go!" and tackled his uncle. It was adorable.
The little ones are the best part of any family gathering. Marshall (3) informed me that we had to have a talk... seems he's decided to become a pyer pyder (fire fighter) and he is going to wear pyer pyder boots and a hat too. I'm glad to know we have his future plans all worked out.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.