ROGERS, Ark. (AP) An Arkansas woman has given birth to her 18th child.
Michelle Duggar delivered the baby girl by Caesarean section Thursday at Mercy Medical Center in Rogers. The baby, named Jordyn-Grace Makiya Duggar, weighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces and was 20 inches long.
"The ultimate Christmas gift from God," said Jim Bob Duggar, the father of the 18 children. "She's just absolutely beautiful, like her mom and her sisters."
The Duggars now have 10 sons and eight daughters.
Jim Bob Duggar said Michelle started having contractions Wednesday night. She needed the C-section, her third, because the baby was lying sideways. Jim Bob said both baby and mother were doing well Thursday night.
"We both would love to have more," he said.
The cable network TLC broadcasts a weekly show about the Duggars called "17 Kids and Counting." Chris Finnegan of TLC which handles public relations for the Duggar family said the show's name would be updated to account for the latest addition to the family. He said TLC also will air a show Monday on the baby's delivery.
Jim Bob Duggar is 43, a year older than his wife. Their oldest child, Joshua, is 20.
The other Duggar children, in between Joshua and Jordyn-Grace, are Jana, 18; John-David, 18; Jill, 17; Jessa, 16; Jinger, 14; Joseph, 13; Josiah, 12; Joy-Anna, 11; Jeremiah, 9; Jedidiah, 9; Jason, 8; James, 7; Justin, 6; Jackson, 4; Johannah, 3; and Jennifer, 1.
"Our whole family is excited about Jordyn's addition to our family," Jim Bob Duggar said. "She's just perfect in every way."
He made (makes) his money in real estate. They certainly don't seem to be poor in what I've seen on TV.
They do have quite a bit of land. In the last episode I saw they had just installed a tower on a really tall hill not far from their house and were renting it out to a cellular company and making good money off that as well.
I've never seen any of their specials on tv. How do these kids grow up? Are they just used to be one in a crowd of many? Do they know who mom is when they're really young, or do they see an older sibling as the parent until they're old enough to realize the difference?
Reminds me of a family here I know. They had a lot of kids.
Whenever someone would mention that mom and dad just had too many kids, mom's reaction was always to look around and say: "Ok, which one of you should have we stopped after?"
When I was a student nurse and doing my stint on maternity, Mrs Savage was on her 13th... she had a signed photo from the Pope...she has had many more since I believe
My dad's brother had 11 kids. (actually he fathered 11!) Their family is very close. They were very Catholic. But MZ has a point about who is the parent and how much parenting can you give when there are so many. But most of their kids turned out great. However, all of them have 2 or less kids! They did live on a farm in Wisconsin and did allow the farm and the church to help support them.
There are parents that dont focus properly on 1 or 2 kids.
It is a matter of perspective. If your kids are your focus, it works out. We talk about kids being our future and they are. I dont believe we should have the mind set that a certain number is the propper amount. That is up to the couple to decide when their family is complete.
It almost seems like the trend nowadays is to over focus on your kids. Some days I am guilty of it too though. When I was a kid, my parents marriage seemed to be the most important realtionship in the house. Not that I at all felt neglected, but I knew my place. I think more people hover over their kids and neglect their marriages and that is a dangerous thing to do.
The Bible even states the proper balance is for the husband and wife to be the primary relationship in the household. A great example for the kids.
I agree, we tend to be too kid centric today. My point was if you have a big family, instead of having a new car every few years...the money goes to more practical things. Instead of new clothes, the kids pass them on etc.
Believe me, my mom's parents gave her and the rest of the family time and attention. It averaged out. She had the bonus of having other siblings to go to also. The impression I always got from her was it was challenging living in a big family, but it also had alot of up side too.
Kids are a blessing and they teach us tons about love, patience, and life. With that I will not disagree. If you have the ability and the desire to support a whole passle of kids, then God bless, go forth and multiply. Most people are not thusly equipped either financially, personally, or emotionally. Hopefully this family and the others like them are equipped to care for their own. Hopefully their kids grow up happy, healthy, and feeling loved... not like just another face in the crowd.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.