I have a lot of church today. We practice our songs in about an hour, then the regular service at 10:45, then we have a potluck about 12:30, followed by the annual church business meeting. I expect it to be over about 3:00. This is the biggest, most important meeting of the year. We vote on approval of this year's budget, new leaders, etc.
Aaaah, politics, money (budgets, etc) Sounds fun. I'm getting ready for the "fun" run at the zoo. 9 degrees out there. Maybe see y'all later. Have a good day!
All I wanted was a Pepsi, and SHE wouldn't Give it to me.
Morning all. I'm looking out the window at 9 inches of snow. Hope my husband will snowblow today so I won't have to.
Last night I was playing Halo and dropped the controller....something's wrong because it doesn't work the right way now. So I want to replace it with a new one today before my daughter finds out; it's her Xbox system and she won't be happy if she knows I broke it....especially since she's been threatening to keep it under lock and key so I can't play with it.
Morning all! I'm looking forward to today. Should be able to relax a bit. I do have a few errands to run this morning, but after that I should be able to just relax a bit and catch the football games later today.
Right at the moment I'm watching "Meet The Press". David Gregory is interviewing Rahm Emanuel. Interesting stuff. Kind of fun to watch ol' Rahm choke back the f-bombs while he talks.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I'm going to see what I expect to be a lamo movie today. Mall Cop. I really liked King Of Queens and Kevin James, so I'm gonna give this one a shot. Sometimes going in with low expectations leads to a surprisingly good movie-going experience.
Ghost, what's your daughters cell phone number? I have some information she may be interested in
I woke up with no obvious hives this morning! Yay! I'm still a bit swollen all over, but it appears whatever I got into is finally getting out of my system. Although it's mostly a good thing, I have an appointment with an allergist in the morning, and I'm not going to have anything to show them. But really, I know what I'm allergic to, so that's fine with me.
This day seems to be going well for me so far! I've already successfully made it back from Wally World relatively unscathed. I was just leaving as the after church crowd was starting to show up.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Hello all! Last night ended on a bad note and I didn't get to bed until 2am. Woke up at 10, got showered and went to breakfast. Got a key made and the man wants to clean the fish tanks today. But first he is warming up.
Tonight is our bowling night
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Hello all! Last night ended on a bad note and I didn't get to bed until 2 am
Sorry to hear that. Things better today?
yeah, we cleared things up, but aggravates me that I had to be the one to say I was sorry when I didn't think it was justified. But I didn't think it was worth it. We do this from time to time *sigh*
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Without knowing any details I totally know what you're talking about in principle, Woo. In my experience the whole thing is just not worth getting worked-up about it (i know that's easy said but so much harder done). Anyways, you're the smart one for letting the matter drop and moving on.
So, no more sighing: It's sunday and bowling night sounds like something to look forward too.
Thanks for some great shows tonight JD! I really enjoyed what I heard. Sure do appreciate that you take the time out of a busy life to play some music for us.