Morning. Sing it with me now: M-O-N-D-A-Y-S-U-C-K-S Monday sucks, Da da da Monday sucks da da da....
On the up side, oncall week is over. On the not so up side, it is snowing. Again. And it's supposed to snow tomorrow. And Wednesday. Guess what else... supposed to snow on Thursday too.
And Governor Crazee of Illinois is refusing to attend his impeachemnt trial that starts today. But he was thinking about appointing Oprah to the Senate seat. And he thinks of himself as right up there with Ghandi, Dr. King, Nelson Mandella, and the guy from Blazing Saddles who was gonna be tried as a horse thief.
-- Edited by Mad Mema at 06:31, 2009-01-26
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
oh man, I'm here. But I so don't wanna be. I am really sick. If I can get payroll out of the way then if I feel worse later this week then I won't care if I take a day off. I'm not even sure if that made sense. Oh well
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
I had to get up at 5:00 to answer server alarms. They turned out to be nothing. Everything was fine by the time I got booted up and to the servers. Probably an entire network thing at the data center. Then I couldn't get back to sleep. The phone rang again at 6:00 which was the school announcing a late start due to the snow. I reset the alarm for 8:30 and was able to fall back asleep for a while.
Yeah, well... just announced this morning: 8000 people to be laid off by end of first quarter. Kind of confirms what we already heard. For anyone left, no raises again this year, no 401K matching, and no educational reimbursement. No comment as of yet officially on how many will be rebadged to another company, but unofficially the number is 7000.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.