Greetings from the Nation's Capitol.....visiting American University withmy son tehen we are off to a tour of the US Capital and end the day with the Wizards and Cavaleirs game to see Lebron James....
Good morning, all! YAY for Thursday. Gonna be another busy one for me. We will see how this day goes... I might end up having to go into the office later.
Its supposed to be in the high 40's and rainy all day here.
Have a great time in DC, SG... Don't forget to check out the cherry blossoms around the tidal basin. They are supposed to be in peak bloom right about now. Wish I was there!!
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I was sweating bullets for awhile. My surge protector died late yesterday, and this morning, after re-routing all my cords, my speakers didn't work! After fiddling with them I managed to get them operating again -- Whew! It was almost tragic...
I'm a little ticked off at the other gals in the office right now. We knew that the mother of one of our employees was very ill. I asked the SHE BOSS how his mom was doing because he called in this morning, and she said, "Oh, she passed away Friday." (like no big deal). The receptionist knew too. She said, "Oh, I forgot to tell you." What is wrong with people these days? He has been here the longest and it's passed off like no big deal. They SUCK right now!
Done with that little vent.
Talked to Ruby this morning... She is really having a bad time, please keep her in prayer...
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
Yeah, usually there are looking for all the bad stuff and hard drugs. Pain killers may not show up on that test and the only way to see those is through bloodwork.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.