I'm at the tax office today. Only one more Saturday of working, yay! It'll be nice to have my weekend back.
My husband has agreed to go to the mall with me for the second time in a month. Amazing. We're going over after I get off work. He needs some more pens, and we both need sunglasses. He dropped his sunglasses into a hole that was later filled with concrete, and I just don't like mine. I tend to wear my sunglasses on top of my head, but these are wire frames, so the nose pads dig into my scalp and my hair gets all wrapped around them.
Sam's Club is also having an open house this weekend, so I might stop by there tonight or tomorrow.
Good day all! I'm trying to get motivated to get out and do something. I'm not sure the weather is going to cooperate with my lawn work ambitions. Do need to get out to Costco this weekend to pick up a few things. I probably also need to get Easter baskets together for the grandkids. By next weekend my 4th grandkid should be making her appearance in the world.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I just capped off a fantastic week for the 25 weeks campaign (really exercised my a** off) and then treated myself to a shopping trip at Target.
Among the coolio things I picked up were an air-pop popcorn popper (the healthiest way to munch on some corn), and a really cool slicer that will let me make paper thin and consistently sized potato slices for making baked potato chips that are sodium free and low cal, no fat. YAY! It also slices, dices, juliennes and will start my car on cold mornings.
Then I got a really nice duffel bag and a soft-sided cooler that fits inside of it. I start a new job on Monday and it's a physical one. I wanted to be able to bring a change of clothes, some bottles of water, etc. This will do nicely.
I picked up some more tubs to start packing stuff up for when I move into my own place again (planning that for late summer / early fall) and a few other things.
Congrats JR! What will you be doing in your new job?
It's a third shift custodial job, which kind of sucks (feels like a step back). But the pay is very good and the benefits are amazing. As much free schooling as I want. starts with three weeks vacation from day 1, along with health benefits from day 1. They also have a pretty great 401k where they put in $1.50 for every $1.00 you put in up to 5% of your salary and you're fully vested after two years.
What I'm really hoping though is to move up quickly. Last year before I made the mistake of moving to North Carolina (yeah, I said it, MISTAKE) I turned down an opportunity to interview for a coordinator job. But they tell me that they're going to finish 3 major new buildings within a year and I should be able to get a supervisor position at that point becaue of my background (of course that's considering I'm doing a good job).
This is probably a job that I'll retire from unless for some reason I just hate it.
I loved North Carolina and I expect that I will retire very near the area I was living. I've always wanted to live in a warmer but not ALWAYS HOT environment with a country setting. NC fit the bill perfectly.
But I turned down two opportunities for very good jobs right before I moved. Both are jobs I am certain I would have been able to get. I have to wonder if I'd made the choice to pursue them if I'd be in a much better spot right now.
But I don't really have any regrets. Curiosity yes, regrets no. It was a nice six month vacation if nothing else.
-- Edited by Jeremy Riggs on Saturday 4th of April 2009 02:39:19 PM