Looks like I'll be mowing after it warms up and dries off. It kind of got away from me while I was home with the boy for a few days. It will be slow going.
Morning all. I'm here...but I'm not happy about it.
I liked my jury duty. I was picked to hear an assault case. A teenager was killed but they couldn't prove who did it so they charged everyone with assault. It was actually really interesting to see the whole system in person rather than just on TV.
We eventually found the dude we were trying guilty but I was the last holdout. Go figure.
I had a silly questionairre that I had to complete. I felt like checking a few of the boxes like that. My sister is a police officer, so I am hoping that excuses me.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Good day all! Looks like another rainy one here too. I woke up sometime in the wee hours of the morning to a thunderstorm. Guess I will have to wait until tomorrow to mow. The grass is getting way out of control. Should be a nice weekend though. Looks like 80's from Friday on.
Good luck with your jury duty if you get called, Fuzzy.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I only did jury duty once. Got on a drug case. They tried 2 guys together. The one guy flat out admitted he did it on the stand.... The other guy seemed shifty but we agreed there wasn;t enough to convict him. I got to hold some cokeaine and what someone else on the jury told me was a very powerful handgun. Turned out to be pretty interesting in all.
Just need to use the "of course they must be guilty. They were arrested and it is going to trial" line. You know, go with the guilty until proven innocent theory.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Hi everyone!! Sorry I haven't been around much; I've been in a weird "quiet" mode lately and haven't had much to say.
Fuzzy, good luck with jury duty. My oldest girl got a jury duty questionnaire in the mail yesterday. She may have to serve in late December, early January. She's hoping she won't have to serve; she says maybe they'll think she's too young since she's only 19. I doubt it. She's worried what will happen at school (college) if she gets on a long trial. She starts a new term the beginning of January and has to have her classes paid for in October. She doesn't want to be dropped from her classes and lose the tuition money due to jury duty. Guess we'll have to call the school and see what their policy is concerning jury duty.
In all seriousness, if called to jury duty I would absoultely serve. I consider it my responsibility as a citizen of this most fabulous country in the world. Don't care what the case would be, I'd be all over it. They just never call me.
In case you were wondering, I was a flag waver when flag waiving wasn't even cool yet.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.