Tomorrow is my Friday, so it'll be another short week for me. So in the past 5 weeks, I've only had one full 5 day week. That makes me sound like a slacker.
Morning all. I am going for day two of head spinning. Still have a ton to complete by today and more by Friday. I have been here for just a little bit, but I have finished a report and need to crunch a few more numbers before I can send it off to the boss. Then I have to get to KY. That ought to be fun. I guess I better keep going.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Nah, it's not even like that. I took a long weekend for my vacation, so instead of missing a whole week, I had 2 short weeks instead. Then the week after I came back was Memorial Day. Then a full week in there, and now this Friday is the rehearsal for a wedding on Saturday.
Morning all. Its another cloudy day in KC, presently 64* with a 40% chance of thunderstorms. Yay... more rain.
I too have tons of work to do over the next several days. That is a good thing though, I really don't like it when I have nothing to do at work. At this point, I'm not pressed for a deadline, so that is nice.
Hoping my case of the "blahs" has passed. Time will tell.
Rock on with your Wednesday!
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Good morning, everyone. Already 79 in the Tulsa metro. They keep saying rain, but haven't seen any.
Fuzzy, you're going to Kentucky? (Remember this little didy from grade school)
I'm going to Kentucky, I'm going to the Fair. To see a senorita, With flowers in her hair. Shake it baby, shake it, Shake it all around. Shake it like a milk shake And pour it in a can. Rumble to the bottom, Rumble to the top. Twirl around and twirl around, Until I holler STOP!
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
We're just hanging out here at the motel slowly getting ready to go down and have some breakfast. We're planning on spending most of the day here around Rapid City. We are planning on going to Reptile Gardens and maybe Bear Country. We might throw in a couple fun things like the blacklight mini golf place and maybe a couple go cart runs, or some other things like that.
I really like it here. It is a beautiful area. Its a really nice combination of hills and trees with big, open areas too . . . its cool.
There must be something about SD that attracts cheese heads. It seems like every place we go, I see Wisconsin license plates. I got tired of asking people "Hey, do you know JR & JD?". It seems that those two need to get out around their state more.
I think today is the day that I will finally snap on phlegm lady and go buy her a spitoon and some vicks vaporub. god, she's just sitting there hacking her lung juice through her throat. what a disqusting human being.
"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus. Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09
There must be something about SD that attracts cheese heads. It seems like every place we go, I see Wisconsin license plates. I got tired of asking people "Hey, do you know JR & JD?". It seems that those two need to get out around their state more.
Hey Web, just a reminder, I am from Wisconsin too...and I too could stand to get out of Wisconsin a bit more as well.
Hey now... you had the funk way before I did. I'm not responsible for that. I will take my lumps for the snarky retorts you have been dishing on various people lately. Those are straight up cases of you channeling me. I'd suppose some of that would have to rub off after all these years.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I "you don't say..."d the girl yesterday. I swear. You were right there with me. Did you have an out of body experience around 3:00 yesterday afternoon?