I know we had a thread at one time about this, but I just got a new pet peeve today and thought I would revisit this. Here goes:
New pet peeve discovered at work today: Talking on the cell phone in a public restroom. What is the deal with that? I have a coworker that doesn't want anyone to hear her conversation so she goes into the restroom (and actually GOES) and talks on the cell phone. I go in there to visit the Ladies room (ahem) and I have to listen to her talking to her real estate agent. Where is Miss Manners when I need her? If you want to talk on the phone in your own home in the restroom, go for it, but don't subject me to that. I mean, hey, I may want to be president one day and they'll have a tape that leaks out...o.k., well...I'm stopping there, I'm getting a little farfetched and am even scaring myself.
ANYWAY...anyone else?
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them you will be a mile away and have their shoes.
Absolutely. I was travelling over the weekend for my work. From Friday to Monday I hit San Fransico, Dallas, Chicago and Providence. I was in the restroom at the airport and to gentlemen joined me on either side of the urinals, both had their phones ring and they answered them. I was worried about aim--ok I will stop there too.