I'm getting old. When I was a kid and skinned my knee, I remember brushing the gravel out and heading straight back into playing.
Last night I skinned my knee. I was carrying something out to the garbage, and I stepped off the side of the sidewalk. There's about a foot or so difference between the yard and the sidewalk right there, and I landed square on my knee. Now it's all scraped and bruised and swollen. I thought by this morning it would be all scabbed up and the swelling would have gone down, but it's still raw and tender.
Morning all! Apparently this will be our last day below 90* for a while, but then again maybe not. I'm not complaining though. I'll take this over 3* any day. STREEEEETCH.... yup, it's Wednesday.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Sorry about the knee, Mz. We don't bounce back nearly as quickly as we used to.
I'm here . . . doin' my thing.
I had to have the data center replace a pair of CPUs in a server last night. It looks like they are running ok so far. It makes me nervous to have something go that well. I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop.
sorry to hear about the knee, Mz. I was having a conversation with one of g-gals sisters about something similar on July 4th- used to be able to do headstands, cartwheels, double-dutch. yea don't try that stuff anymore....
"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus. Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09
Good morning all. I've been filling my days off work by doing some heavy-duty cleaning around the house......I started washing walls last week; have to finish the kitchen today, then I've got 2 bedrooms and a bathroom left to do.....I'm planning to begin painting every room in the house at the end of August.
Yesterday I got stuck behind the refrigerator for a couple of hours. I moved it out far enough to climb up on a chair, get up on the counter, then drop down behind it, but I didn't leave myself enough room to climb back up on the counter when I was finished; I kept hitting my head on the dang over-head cabinets every time I tried to boost myself back up on the counter. So then I tried pushing the fridge forward but it got jammed up against the kitchen table and wouldn't move. Then I thought maybe I could squeeze in between the counter and the fridge to get out.....I got stuck trying to do that too and had to work myself back in behind the fridge. I ended up having to wait until my husband got home from work so he could let me out. Today I can laugh about it; yesterday I was pretty perturbed.
I figured an accountant would have a set method of operation and protocol for removing shoes.
Accountants are more inclined toward making sure they are removing the same number of shoes they put on. Its us engineers who have the M.O.P. for shoe removal.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Good morning all. I've been filling my days off work by doing some heavy-duty cleaning around the house......I started washing walls last week; have to finish the kitchen today, then I've got 2 bedrooms and a bathroom left to do.....I'm planning to begin painting every room in the house at the end of August.
Yesterday I got stuck behind the refrigerator for a couple of hours. I moved it out far enough to climb up on a chair, get up on the counter, then drop down behind it, but I didn't leave myself enough room to climb back up on the counter when I was finished; I kept hitting my head on the dang over-head cabinets every time I tried to boost myself back up on the counter. So then I tried pushing the fridge forward but it got jammed up against the kitchen table and wouldn't move. Then I thought maybe I could squeeze in between the counter and the fridge to get out.....I got stuck trying to do that too and had to work myself back in behind the fridge. I ended up having to wait until my husband got home from work so he could let me out. Today I can laugh about it; yesterday I was pretty perturbed.
I would have given my next ten paychecks just to be there when you were trapped behind that fridge!