Bad news, the station is most likely down for the count today.
It's not a software issue, this time it's a billing issue. I've needed to make a change to our account for the past two weeks, but because Live365 is located on the West coast, and keeps bankers hours, I have been unable to reach them due to my schedule (11 AM - 7 PM is EXACTLY when I'm on the road, and that is also their ONLY hours of operation).
As a result, they shut us down because they think we're past due. Emails over the past two weeks have gone unanswered, so I HAVE to find a way to contact them via phone.
The annoying part is we have several hundred dollars worth of VIP money in their possession already, it would be enough to cover the station for months, so I don't know why they aren't just using that until we get stuff cleared away.
At any rate, I'll try to figure out a way to get ahold of them and get this straighted out as soon as possible.
As for the problems with the forum, that's just the way the forum tends to be. It's a free product, and it's actually been really good for the past few months. But it goes through periods where it just acts goofy. A true example of "you get what you pay for".
Sorry, to ruin your day musically But we'll be back asap!
They're not there to take my call but they apparantly are there to shut us down!
Actually, they probably had a pre-set time in their system to take us off the air. The only people they're allowing in right now are VIP listeners, but that's only to a "canned" stream of music we uploaded to their servers.
Yeah, I almost forgot it was your birthday tomorrow Star.... NOT!
You youngun's make me sick, gettin' all excited about your birthdays! Wait til you get to be in your mid thirties! You'll start drinking two days before just praying that you'll be too drunk to remember it's your birthday by the time it arrives!
You're so sweet rememberin my b-day and all. Don't think I feel young! I stopped that..we'll never mind Ray's on here isn't he? I better be happy w/ 28. Anyway I'm happy the VIP's aren't getting to make requests! Are any of you forum members VIPs? Just wondering who coughed up the money.
I'm not sure who's a VIP and who's not. But we do really well with the VIPS. In fact, 75% of the ENTIRE years broadcasting expenses were covered by the VIP's!!! That's GREAT.
I'm a VIP, but I can't listen. I've been meaning to cancel it, but I've been hoping to get my copmuter fixed so that I can listen at home. I would love to supply some cashola to FFR. They are worth every penny.
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them you will be a mile away and have their shoes.