If only we could lift a fingerprint from the request button...
Hold on a sec, maybe we can. Jeremy, you see the IP addresses of the person who requested a particular song, right? Can you also see IP addresses for members of the forum?
Unfortunately I can't see the IP address of the requesters.
I can only see them for the forum users :(
I could possibly figure out the IP address if I catch it RIGHT AWAY, so next time I see Janes Getting Serious requested I'll zip over to our statistics screen and see if I can figure it out.
I'm sorry....Jeremy. I'm afraid I can't do that. I like......Jane. She is my friend. The request....shall be allowed. The requesters identification....shall remain secure.
i couldn't even get away from the Jane on Sunday!!!! i thought i might have been one of the few listening on a sunday night.. but then.... i see the Evil Jon Astley requested in the Q.... i was like, please not Jane... please not Jane.... but alas. sob.
can't we add another Jon Astley song to the request list?
maybe this person is Jon Astley and if we gave him/her another choice, they would give up on Jane. Jane is wearing out... she is tired. and old.
Yeah, but if they did that, then what's to stop someone from requesting them to take a song off the list that I like, but no one else does. They try to be fair. Of course, sometimes that's very hard, but it's a democracy. Vive La Freeze-Frame!
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them you will be a mile away and have their shoes.
Man, I should have known this was an old thread. I saw music junkie and WFTR and got all excited thinking they were back. Sigh. It was just a flashback. I miss them.
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them you will be a mile away and have their shoes.