Having just heard Peter Gabriel song made me think of all those songs out there that have misunderstood lyrics. Once you have heard the wrong lyrics, it is hard to sing the correct ones. It is kind of like a Weird Al song.
An example: Peter Gabriel's Sledgehammer - Instead of 'I've been feeding the rhythm', try I then peed in the river.
Another easy one: Creedence Clearwater Revival's Bad Moon Rising - Instead of 'There's a bad moon on the rise', try There's a bathroom on the right.
I know there are a ton of these things out there. Does anyone have any good ones?
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
For about 15 years I would sing "Enough of the jealousy, for the entire nation" for REO Speedwagons "TIME FOR ME TO FLY". I knew it made very little sense, but I really thought thats what he said.
Then a freind heard me singing it one day and he said "HEY DORK! It's "Enough of the jealousy, and the INTOLERATION".
Star - at least those are close to being correct. The one's I have heard aren't.
Jeremy - I think we have all been there. My sister was always very good for singing the wrong words. I think she inherited that from my father as he used to make up his own words to a song.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
I was just talking about how I thought Oops I did it again said "Yellow baby" instead of "old lady" at that part where they are talking about who droped it into the ocean.
Peter Gabriel has a few. In "Games without Frontiers" the line is in french as is something like, "Che su Frontier" (completely wrong spelling) but many thought it was "She's so popular". Figure that one.
And just try to get through Christams without belting out, "Walkin' in my Winter Underwear!" or "Jingle Bells! Batman Smells!" (Ha! got to use it again!)
Of course, the most famous one is "'Scuze me while I kiss this guy." I've always wanted a shirt with that written on the back.
I can't remember what song it is, but one line it says, "All I want is to have peace of mind," and I always sang, "All I want is to have a piece of pie."
And, not a misunderstood lyric, but in the song Cocaine, replace the word cocaine with whipped cream. It works! And it's the funniest thing in the world when you're inebriated.
MzHartz - Yes, the Jimmy Hendix line is very good. And I will have to try the whip cream line.
JD - Those are also some good ones.
There are just so many. Of course, it is kind of hard to remember them until you hear a specific song. Then you can't forget them, until the song is over and then you go on singing something else.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
My cousin used to sing "We'll fire 'em up" instead of "Elvira" by the Oak Ridge Boys. That was pretty cute. You should hear my daughter sing 1985 by Bowling for Soup. She'll say "Mommy, play "CC, Madonna". She says "CC, Madonna, way before Ruwana." It's hillarious. She also says "Well, I ain't never been the fallin' down type" instead of "Well, I ain't never been the Barbie doll type" in Redneck Woman by Gretchen Wilson. She will actually argue that she's right. She's 5 and has more attitude than me (and I have a lot of attitude). Ooooh, scaaaaaaary!
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them you will be a mile away and have their shoes.
I went to the record shop years ago looking for a song called "Desperately". Could NOT figure out why they wouldn't have it because it played on the radio continuously. Thought is was even nuttier that there was a song called "Jeopardy" by the Greg Kihn band that was at #2 (they had the top 30 listed) when I'd never even heard it before. (Maybe not always the sharpest tool in the shed!)
Peter Gabriel has a few. In "Games without Frontiers" the line is in french as is something like, "Che su Frontier" (completely wrong spelling) but many thought it was "She's so popular". Figure that one.
Woh! Before reading the lyrics, I strained on that to try & figure out what Kate Bush was singing in that line, and I decided it must be "She's so popular" too!
"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll? When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before" -"Been There Before" by Hanson
Who was it that said their boss used to sing, "Soup and salad bar," instead of, "Suicide blonde"? Now, every time I hear that song, I have to sing the misheard lyrics instead.