We are almost done with round one of our "25 Weeks" commitment.
For those who haven't been following along with the blog, as a group, we've lost 121 pounds. Personally, I'm down over 18 lbs and Mrs Web has lost over 12.
Its time we start planning round two. If you are interested in joining us in committing 25 weeks to better health, you can check out the latest info on how it works and let me know if you're interested or have more questions.
Other than the obvious advantages of the weight loss, the biggest thing I've gotten out of this is persistance and patience. I've tried going on "diets" in the past but after a few weeks given up because of the sacrifice it takes. By working at this for 25 weeks, I now have a different attitude about healthier living. Its not a "get rich quick" kind of deal. It takes time and a little effort, but its way worth it.