Good morning, all. It is here again. The Monday. Stormed here all night and is still storming now. We are supposed to have thunderstorms through Thursday. The planet is an amazing thing... Kansas is nowhere near the ocean, but we get all kinds of upper atmospheric backwash during hurricane season. :smille:
Seems that the software push I got last Friday has wiped out my remote access to the office. That kinda sucks.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Morning all. It is "a" day. My MY audit starts this afternoon when the auditors come rolling in here. In the meantime, I am still waiting for items from another department. I hate that I don't have all the copies that I need just all ready to be handed over.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
I'm home today and tomorrow. School starts Wednesday so I'm going to stay home and hang out with the boy for a couple days and just let him kind of do whatever he wants.
Our church rented the city pool last night. We had a baptism followed by home made ice cream and brownies, and (of course) swimming. The kids had a good time but it was pretty chilly. They were fine in the water, but got really cold when out. Our pastor even did a cannonball off the high board. It was a nice evening.
Other than that, not much I can think of to talk about.