so no tooth torture happened-it will be this week.
I don't know yet about the job.
My baby is sick. really sick. His daddy is taking him to the docs today. I had to come in to work since i'll miss friday and 1/2 of thurs. I'm scared. it's a flue or ear infection or something. maybe strep throat? who knows, like that though......
Best wishes for your baby JennyCat. We have 15 month-old twins (boy/girl), and it's so hard when you know they aren't feeling well but they can;t tell you what's wrong. We're taking our daughter to the Dr today as well. She's having a lot of constipation problems. I'm suspicious that it's due to us switching from formula over to regular milk....
We had a wonderful and safe trip! Met a lot of fun and friendly locals, as well as people on the trains.
On the train ride home, however, about 2 am or so, the train hit an abandoned car left on the tracks somewhere in Tenessee or Southern Illinois. We were stalled for nearly two hours as police cars and paramedics, and a helecopter checked everything out.
Nobody was in the car, and nobody was injured. We didn't feel or hear the impact, but did smell burning rubber for awhile.
This could have been way worse than it was. So thanks for the well-wishes for a safe trip! It was!
"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus. Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09
J.D. -you noticed that to eh ? the prettiest shade of blue i ever saw , they are like bluer than blue, bluer than the blueest moon that ever crossed a Kentuky sky , bluer than me and you and a dog named blue. I mean B.B. King could never be so blue, blue bell ice cream pales by comparrison (moo), if they were any bluer I'd put her in a gun case ? ( when a firearm barrel gets refinnished it goes thru a process called blueing)