But here's the deal! It's Friday, a holiday weekend, I'm POOPED, and being nasty to you takes too much energy. So today I am going down a different path. I'm going to be kind and friendly to you all day! No digs, no cheap shots, only warm-fuzzies.
How ARE you, Star! Hope all is well. Did you get over your bronchitis? We'll keep a prayer up anyways!
Jumping the Shark refers to when a TV show starts to go down hill. The beginning of the the end, if you may. When Fonzie jumped the shark on a Happy Days episode it marked the point the show went down hill.
The weather is fine here in IL, thank you. 62 and sunny right now. I am designing NADA! It's why I've been able to be such a tick-on-your-neck on these posts. Our only client pulled the carpet out from under us and I have NOTHING to do! But I am grateful for the forum, it is helping to keep me sane.
It is a faith system started based on the writings of L. Ron Hubbard, a science fiction writer. It follows the belief that all of lifes mysterie's can be found/solved in the numerical patterns of the universe.
If anyone has more info, please chime-in. I'm by no means an expert.
Not sure about "Don't go to the doctor", but they loudly cry, "Don't go to a psychiatrist!"
Please someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think their belief in the Almighty is that God is a force, an entitiy that is in all things and found in the numerical details. Not seeking medical help and putting it in God's hands doesn't seem to fit because they don't recognize God as an individual entity. The psychiatry backlash comes from the idea that it is just man creating false reasons for your problems. If you just get in tune with your own individual numeric harmony, everything will work out.
Christian Scientists are a branch of Christianity (that is, they acknowledge Jesus as The Christ and Savior), Scientologists believe in an Almighty but not the divinity of Jesus.
Ray, I think your right. Again, I VERY WELL MAY BE WRONG, but I think it comes from a belief that since God made all, He is the first scientist. If we mess with science (i.e., medicine), we are stepping on his turf. A no-no.
I'm going to lunch! I'll check this when I'm back.
I went on google and just got freaked out. Most of the pages were blocked. I work for the county and then I hate to bring this up so I'll just say I read a distrubing article supporting something I'm against.