Mike, let me just tell you something about that smooth talker. He's just trying to get you to request his songs. He's the singer of Late Night Drive. His song is currently tied w/ (get this) the Muppets. We are a crazy bunch!!
It's amazing who you can get signed up with just a 12 pack of beer! Of course I made him bring his own. But then it was spiel time.
I started out like one of those Sally Struthers comercials and by the end of the night hes was crying in his beer confessing how he loved FFR. allready.
You can do it too, I'll send out my home made pamphlet I made. Of course I had to use crayons so he could understand it.
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...