I know that Jeremy plans on calling the morning show the Breakfast Club. I read in the newspaper and heard on GMA this morning that they will all reunite on MTV for the awards. All are confirmed except Emilio Estevez. There will also be a band singing the Simple Minds song (Don't You Forget About Me), but I do not remember who they said would do that. What a coincidence. It is the 20th anniversary of the movie. God- do I feel old!!!
quote: Originally posted by: jstdve " old is when your mind is so far gone that you have to make a list for the grocery store , then leave the list in the car... "
I'm OLD!
"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus. Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09
How about when you get up from your computer chair to go get something in the other room, and then stand there in the other room like an idiot thinking "Now what did I come in here for", only to remember when you get back to your chair and sit down
Thanks for the info, I'll do a search to find out more about that reunion!
I Think Valley Girl was a good movie as well...besides, cant go wrong with a young Nick Cage, and Deborah Foreman? was that the lead actress in that movie? I remember her being very cute.
I was hungry so I went and got two hot pockets out of the freezer and put em in the microwave, set the timer and went back to whatever I was doing.
Two days later I was hungry so I went to get two Hot Pockets from the freezer, was going to put them in the microwave when I saw my two cooked and very cold hot pockets from two days ago were still in there!!!
Boy, now that we're talking about this and I'm reliving some of my lapses, I'm starting to think maybe I actually have a problem.
But I can't recall what i have a problem with. What were we talking about again?
Jeremy, I can sympathize. One time, I decided I was in the mood for fresh bread, so I took a roll out of the refridgerator and put it in the oven. About 45 minutes later, I smelled something burning! So I took it out, threw it away, but still wanted a roll, so I put another in. I immediately forgot about that one as well and did the same thing all over again! I gave up after 2...
I have a friend who says it takes a special kind of stupid to forget to eat. But you know what? I've done it! It'll be 6:00 on a Sunday and my stomach will be growling something fierce when I realize I haven had anything to eat all day!